By: Carissa Levine And Sara Taylor Earthworm Frog Crayfish
Prostomium Genital Openings Clitellum Anus Setae
Claw Compound Eye Antennae Walking Legs Cephalothorax Abdomen This crayfish is 20 Cm long.
Tympanic Membrane Complex Eye Front Legs Hind Legs
Esophagus Crop Gizzard Intestine Anus
Digestive Gland Intestine (in tail ) Anus Mouth Stomach Esophagus
Cloaca Gall Bladder Esophagus Stomach Liver Small Intestine Mouth Large Intestine (before cloaca)
Esophagus Crop Gizzard Intestine Cloaca Gall Bladder Esophagus Stomach Liver Small Intestine Mouth Anus Digestive Gland Intestine (in tail ) Anus Mouth Stomach Esophagus Large Intestine (before cloaca) Bucal Cavity
Nerve Cord Brain
Moist Skin
By: Carissa Levine And Sara Taylor
Holt Science Text Book Earth Science Text Book