Foundation of Management Welcome! Lars Walter
Today! What is method? Method has to with how you do research To understand method help you conduct research, but also to understand and evaluate research - That is, to read scientific texts!
Why did Flyvberg write this text about case studies?
Flyvberg When I first became interested in-depth-case study… Why? According to Flyberg because – Context important for learning – Represent a way to get a nuanced view of reality – There are benefits to learn from concrete situations – There are no generalized, context independent theories in social science
His arguments!
The significance of black swans Falsification – the benefit of conducting in-depth studies Formal generalization is over rated and the force of examples are under rated
Strategies for case selection Extreme/deviant cases -To obtain information on unusually cases Maximum variation cases - To obtain information about the significance circumstances Critical cases -To obtain about Information for logic deduction - if this valid for this case, it applies to all cases Paradigmatic casesHighlights more general characteristics of
Case studies and the idea of Subjective Bias? A similar problem with all scientific methods The ”closeness to” and the ”richness of” data works against that – case studies typically reports that preconceived assumptions are wrong The study objects ”talks back” Are in the business of falsification rather than of verification
The value of thick description Depth Complexity Contradictions Variety in perspectives Power games
What is (valuable) konwledge According to Flyvberg?
Society and Research Natural Sciences Quantitative research – deductive ”Mode 1” – Evidence – Systematically – Measurable – Objectivity Social Sciences Qualitative research – inductive (or abductive) ”Mode 2” – Experinces – ”Trial and error” – Qualitative measures – The significance of context and subjectivity
Ontological considerations The philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality… …”How we understand the world” – Objectivism – Constructionism Implications for the questions we ask: WHAT or HOW
Research design Its components… Purpose and research question of the study and what they are relevance Empirical and analytical framework of the proposed study – previous research and theoretical perspectives Research methods – techniques for collecting and analyzing data and why they are suitable Analysis and its implications And their relations…
Research design: Experimental Cross-sectional Longitudinal Case study Comparative
What do you want to study? The phenomenon – Based on something that you have observed – Based on something someone else has observed Labeling The research question is rules!!!
Formulate a research question Qualitative or quantitative questions Different kinds of questions: – Descriptive – Analytical – normative Make sure that you are able to answer the question!!
Why do you want to study that and the issue of relevance? Own interest (curiosity); previous knowledge It is of current interest (a problem) – sensitivity It is of interest for others; utility – assignment It is fashionable – trends in research – trends in practice Is it feasible? – Problems of: time, space and participation (access)
Research as dialogue – the reviewing of literature A least three types of literature reviews are required End up with: – Your theoretical frame of reference (connect to research question) – Indicating studies that will serve as comparison to your study – Connect to the methodology and techniques that will be used Chose a perspective and be stick with it!
Reviewing literature Theoretical approaches Explication - describe Explanation – put in a context and draw some conclusions from the text Exploration – based on what you have read – develop your arguments and connect to research question Compile the literature you have read!
How to study what you want to study FIELDWORK!!! The field is where other people live and work; – people who construct their worlds – by acting and producing accounts of their (and others) actions Actors – Observers
Reviewing literature – topic/phenomenon What have others written about the topic/phenomenon? – Similar topics – Type of study/research design/methods – What kind of theoretical reference are used Accumulative – research as dialogue Exegetic versus inspirational
According to Corvellec (2013) it is both un-fair and un-informed for a teacher to ask students what theory is, So, what is theory?
According to Czarniawska (2013) theory is an attempt at a meaningful interpretation of life and the world.
The fit of ”theories”? Levels of analysis – Individuals – Groups – Organizations – Societies The power of grand theories! What type of questions to they dress. - what, how or why….
Method Method is what makes your text potentially legitimate as science Both in the way you do and the way you describe what you done!
Referencing Who do you talk to? – Research as dialogue (“friends and enemies”) – Makes sure that you use proper “style” – see SJM – Examples of how you make references in the text – see articles Scrutinize the texts you use – Check the sources (avoid using 2 nd hand sources) – “Critical thinking”