SCHOLARSHIPS and AWARDS Encouraging, recognizing, and rewarding excellence in the development of human potential
WHERE TO FIND SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION : *External Websites *Counselling Website External Scholarships & WV Community Nominated Scholarships School-Based Scholarships *Post-Secondary Websites
WEBSITES: (to see all the latest ministry changes and verify if an institution is designated and approved for potential scholarship rewards) (free information about a variety of scholarships/awards available to BC students)
WEBSITES CONT. (Canadian scholarships) (the Government of Canada site) (Canadian Merit Awards)
WEBSITES CONT. (secondary school apprenticeship scholarship information) (Canada’s most comprehensive scholarship website) (a free website for US scholarships)
OTHER PLACES TO LEARN ABOUT SCHOLARSHIPS: Parents Friends Family Newspapers/other media Employer Teachers Private organizations
EXTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS: Students compile all information required and mail the scholarship independently If a reference letter is nee ded please pick up a form from the counselling office. Give this form to the teachers of choice allowing a minimum of 7 school days If you need to include your grades, pick up a form from the counselling office (please allow for a few days for this to be processed).
NOMINATED SCHOLARSHIPS Students must make an appointment with Ms McLellan one month prior to application deadline date to review if they are a viable candidate. At that point they will be given a checklist. Students complete items on checklist and meet with Ms McLellan on review date. Review dates will be strictly adhered to.
NOMINATED SCHOLARSHIPS CONT. The scholarship subcommittee meets to review applications and choose a candidate Ms McLellan/Ms Pohn meet with the student and complete the remainder of the items on the checklist Ms McLellan/Ms Pohn compile all information and send the package before the due date
POST SECONDARY INSTITUTION SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS By application By automatic consideration By school nomination
ITEMS NEEDED FOR STUDENT’S PERSONAL SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARDS FILE: Student Profile, including a 300- word personal essay Possible letters of reference Teacher reports Service Hours Documentation Sheets Transcript Verification Report
WVSS AWARDS Scholastic Achievement School and Community Service ***Service Hours Documention Sheets must be submitted to show proof of school or community volunteer hours
DOGWOOD DISTRICT/AUTHORITY AWARD SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA: Demonstrate superior achievement in a chosen field and have been cumulatively evaluated in courses chosen for the presentation Have shown school/community involvement and work experience in area of specialization Date of meeting: TBA
UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS Research over the Christmas holidays Apply on line over the holidays Self report where applicable Make sure you have applied to any university where you wish to be considered for a scholarship
Next Scholarship Meeting School Based Scholarship Meeting: Monday, February 1 at 12:50 in the library