Chapter 15 Section 1 Cuba Clinging to Communism
Geographically speaking, Cuba is located in the Caribbean Sea.
Cuba can be found at the seat or entrance to the Gulf of Mexico.
Cuba’s economy is based on sugar plantations
Before communism, during the time of United States intervention, resorts were a popular method of income.
Presently, Cuba’s economy is under strict government control of Communism
Cuba’s history includes being a colony of Spain.
Cuba, a tropical paradise was one of the richest countries in the Caribbean at one time.
Cuba won its independence from Spain after the United States won the Spanish American War in 1898.
Fidel Castro helped overthrow the Batista regime by 1959, and remained in power up to recently.
In the early 1960s, Cuba became an ally of the Soviet Union. The Soviets sent military equipment and advisors to aid Cuba.
The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred between the U The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred between the U.S and the Soviets, in 1962.
The Cuban Missile Crisis nearly brought the world to the brink of war
The Cuban Missile Crisis resulted in many Cubans fleeing Cuba to the safety of the United States, with a great many landing in Florida.
Fidel Castro led a successful rebellion, which took over Cuba’s government, but Castro’s form of government was no better than Batista’s.. He took over businesses and demanded books and newspapers only print stories which supported his government. Fulgencio Batista, top right Fidel Castro, bottom right
Communism is a type of economy which has the government owning all the country’s businesses and all its land
Although there were many things wrong with Castro’s rule, he did help the country in some ways.
When Castro took over Cuba, many of his people were illiterate, which means they could not read or write. He sent many teachers to the countryside and today Cuba’s literacy rate has improved greatly, to nearly 100%. His government also provides basic health care for all its people, which is something even the United States does not have.
Because of Castro’s strict rule, many Cubans left their home country to live in exile.