First Aid What Should You Do If… Your friend has fallen off the monkey bars at the park. He says his leg really hurts, and he can’t move it. Tell him.


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Presentation transcript:

First Aid What Should You Do If…

Your friend has fallen off the monkey bars at the park. He says his leg really hurts, and he can’t move it. Tell him to stay calm. Tell him to keep his leg still. Get help from a trusted adult. Yell, “OH NO! OH NO!” Tell him to get up quickly so you can get help! NEXT QUESTION

GOOD CHOICE! If their leg is broken, you have prevented further damage to the leg! NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

OH NO! They might have a broken bone. If you move them, you could do further damage to their leg. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You fall off your bike and get a minor scrape. What should you do? Stay calm. Call 911 and tell them what happened. Stay calm. Wash the wound with soap and water. Apply a clean bandage. NEXT QUESTION

YOU GOT IT! This is an situation you can handle yourself. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

That’s not a good idea! 911 is only for emergencies. A minor scrape is not an emergency. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You are eating breakfast and notice your brother is turning red and not breathing. He is grasping at his throat. What should you do? *Tell him to stay calm. *If he is coughing, just monitor the situation. *If he can no longer cough, do the Heimlich Maneuver. *Call 911 if needed. Slap him on the back to see if the food will dislodge from his windpipe. Repeat until the food is dislodged. NEXT QUESTION

Smart thinking! If he is still coughing, he might be able to dislodge the food himself. If he stops coughing and still can’t breath, you need to force the object out with the Heimlich Maneuver. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

Oh no! Slapping him on the back might make the food get stuck even further down in his windpipe. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You are home alone with your 3 year old cousin. He is crying and says his tummy hurts. He’s holding a bottle of medicine. What should you do? *Tell the victim to stay calm. *Take the bottle to the phone and call 911 or Poison Control Center at *Tell the victim to stay calm. *Have him lay down for awhile to see if it goes away. If it doesn’t try giving him some medicine for stomachaches. NEXT QUESTION

Way to go! If someone shows signs of poisoning, you need to get medical help since each poison is treated differently. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

NO, NO, NO! You need to get help to know how to treat the possible poisoning. More medicine might make the situation worse. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You are bit by a stray dog. The wound is not severe, but it is bleeding a little bit. What should you do? Stay calm. Put pressure on the wound. Try to catch the dog so it can be tested to see if it has rabies. Stay calm. Wash the wound with soap and water. Bandage the wound. Get an adult and tell them about the animal that bit you. NEXT QUESTION

Right you are! You treated the wound, and Animal Control should be in charge of capturing the animal that bit you. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

Are you fond of pain? If you try to catch the dog, you are likely to get bit again, maybe worse! Also, if a wound is minor, wash it right away with soap and water. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

Someone is stung by a bee. What should you do? *Tell the victim to stay calm. *Put pressure on the area that was stung. *If it gets hard for the victim to breathe or you see hives, have them lie down and get some rest. * Tell the victim to stay calm. *Flick the stinger out. Apply ice to reduce swelling. *Wash the area and apply baking soda paste. *Watch for signs of allergies like hives or difficulty breathing. * Get immediate help or call 911 if you notice these signs. NEXT QUESTION

Excellent decision! The baking soda will help relieve the sting a little. If someone shows signs of an allergy, use an epi-pen if one is available and get immediate medical help. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

Yikes! Pressure on the sting would just make the area feel worse. Also, you need medical help if there are signs of an allergic reaction! NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You and your sister are making lunch. While using a sharp knife, your sister gets a severe cut that is bleeding a lot. What should you do? *Tell the victim to stay calm. *Put pressure to the wound and elevate the wound. *Get medical help from an adult. *Tell the victim to stay calm. *Wash the wound. *Bandage the wound. NEXT QUESTION

DRAT! If it is a severe cut, washing it right away will make it bleed even more. Also, an adult will decide if the victim needs medical help since the wound might require stitches. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

SUPERB DECISION! Pressure will help stop the bleeding until an adult can decide if the cut requires medical attention from a doctor. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You are making s’mores at a campfire. You touch the marshmallow roasting stick while it is hot and get a minor burn. What should you do? *Stay calm. *Run the burn under cool water. *Cover the burn with ointment to kill germs and help it heel faster. *Stay calm. *Run the burn under cool water. *Cover the burn with a sterile gauze or bandage. NEXT QUESTION

NO WAY! Ointment can cause an infection and won’t allow the burn to cool as quickly. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

Absolutely! Once the wound has cooled under cool water, the bandage will protect it. NEXT QUESTION BACK TO QUESTION

You are making macaroni and cheese by yourself. While draining the macaroni, the scalding hot water pours on your skin making a large, severe burn. What should you do? *Stay calm. *Put ice on the burn to cool it off as fast as possible. *Cover the burn with ointment to kill germs and help it heal faster. *Stay calm. *Cover the burn with a cool, moist bandage or towel. *Get medical help immediately or call 911. LAST QUESTION!

DON’T DO IT! Ice can create further damage to the burn. It can also cause the victim to become too cold. THE END BACK TO QUESTION

Absolutely! Once the wound has cooled off under the cool water, the bandage will protect it. Then get help from an adult or call 911 if you’re alone. NEXT QUESTION THE END BACK TO QUESTION