Staunton Creative Community Fund Investing in Entrepreneurs…...Strengthening the Community
The Staunton Creative Community Fund revitalizes communities by supporting and funding local entrepreneurs. Whether you are growing a small business, organizing a nonprofit, or implementing more sustainable development practices, we provide training, consulting, and financing to help you succeed.
Staunton Creative Community Fund We support environmentally sound, socially equitable, and economically viable enterprises through finance and development.
Client Profiles
Client Profiles:
Client Profiles: WEVT
Nonprofit Incubation: Staunton Green 2020 Staunton Green 2020 builds community partnerships that through education, research and collaboration: ~ Reduce greenhouse gas emissions ~ Increase renewable energy ~ Generate green jobs ~ Preserve green space and ~ Facilitate sustainable community development in Staunton
Nonprofit Incubation: Friends of the Middle River Friends of the Middle River promote restoration, protection, and enjoyment of Augusta County’s largest headwater’s river and its tributaries.
Training Programs
Funding Local entrepreneurs provide the “SPARC” for community revitalization. The SPARC PLUG fund serves individuals with limited financial resources, encourages business in under-developed neighborhoods, and creates jobs for low and moderate- income individuals.
Funding Creative Class Financing: Architects, engineers, information technology, research, marketing, design, public relations, advertising, and related services companies may qualify for low-interest loans to help start and expand their business.
Funding The Valley has a vibrant heritage that combines innovation with authentically local, community-based production. Whether serving locally grown food, creating fine artisan craft, supplying regionally distinctive music, or advancing alternative or efficient sources of energy, businesses that innovate locally strengthen our economy and create sustainable jobs.
Questions Connecting microenterprise development and the local foods economy Partners · Funding · Marketing