Chapter 15- Transformation of America 15.1 Industry’s Golden Age.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 15- Transformation of America 15.1 Industry’s Golden Age

A. Technological Innovations 1.What kind of things is steel used for? Center of Industry- parts of machines, bridges, buildings, train rails  Henry Bessemer- “Bessemer Process” – converts iron ore into steel using a burst of hot air  Cheaper and easier  Alexander Holley improves it  ,000 tons, million tons ,000 miles of rail ,000 why? -Increase in steel production leads to cheaper steel, which makes it cheaper to build railroads 1.Trunk lines- major railroads (stronger steel)- 6 crossed the plains 2.Feeder-branches of RR connected U.S. to trunk lines

3. Changes to RR 1.Bigger, more efficient, pulled more, faster 2.George Westinghouse- compressed air brake is safer because all cars stop at the same time 3.Granville T. Woods- telegraph to communicate with stations 4.Double tracks- 2 trains at once 5.Standardized tracks- cars could move all over the U.S., less stops, cheaper, faster 6.G. Pullman- comfort cars 4. Effects- Better economy- more jobs 1.Growth of towns (West and East) 2.New towns 3.National market- RR connects country 4.Refrigerated cars- meat, dairy, veggies, no stops for ice 5.Culture of USA- way of life changed 6.More material possessions, ideas 7.Songs: Wabash cannonball, Casey Jones

B. Communications 1. Rise in industry- telegraph becomes important Alexander G. Bell- telephone, better communication 1.Required operator- woman (available, easy, friendly, soft, low pay, small hands) over a million phones installed 3. Type writer- Christopher Sholes- quick and easy to read

C. New sources of Energy- for factory machines, trains (industry) 1.Oil- not new, but not a fuel until 1850’s ◦ Ben Silliman refined into kerosene ◦ Wells dotted PA, OH, WV ◦ million barrels/ year 2. Electricity- natural phenomenon A.Thomas Alva Edison- steam and water generator, light bulb, stock ticker, electric ballot, phonograph, electric street car, electric power plant, etc. B.Others improved on his designs

D. Rise of Big Business 1.Laissez- Faire Capitalism- “Hands Off”- no government regulations  Social Darwinism- survival of the fittest 2. Businesses get bigger A.Prior to 1860’ -Proprietorship- ownership of 1 -Partnership- ownership by more than 1 B.Rise of corporation- ownership of many- sell shares -Stock/ stock holders- % of profits -Dividends -Limited liability- no debt, only + or = C.Trusts- group of corporations, a board of directors holds the power -Led to monopolies so made illegal

3.Carnegie/ Steel -Economies of Scale- buy bulk supplies and produce lots of goods- cheaper -Vertical integration- control costs of parts by buying those companies 4. Rockefeller/ Oil- Standard Oil Company -Horizontal integration- 1 company owns others (controls the market)

5.Government and Businesses – tariff on imports “Buy American” -Regulated- Sherman Anti-Trust Act, declares all monopolies and trusts that restrain trade illegal. Not clear 6.Mass Marketing- Advertising -Labels, billboards, posters, TV, radio, etc. -Macy’s department store- bought bulk -Sears- chain, mail order, internet order -Wal-Mart, Eckerd, McDonalds