New policy priorities in the field of environment Nataliya Andrusevych
Content Current situation with environmental directives implementation Main challenges New perspectives
Current situation with environmental directives implementation (1) Four directives: Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment Directive 79/409/EЕC on the conservation of wild birds Directive 2001/80/EC on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants Directive 1999/32/ЕC relating to a reduction in the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels
Current situation with environmental directives implementation (2) National legislation Treaty establishing the Energy Community EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Environ mental aquis
Current situation with environmental directives implementation (3) Timeline DirectiveEnergy Community Association Agreement Plan of measures Directive on EIAJanuary 1, years after coming into effect August, 2016 Directive on wild birdsJanuary 5, years after coming into effect December 2017 Directive on pollutants from combustion plants January 1, years after coming into effect December 2017 Directive on sulphurJanuary 1, years after coming into effect December 2017
Current situation with environmental directives implementation (4) Directive on EIA: draft law “On environmental impact assessment” – registered in the parliament, but not adopted Directive on wild birds: draft laws “On changes to some legal acts of Ukraine” (on biodiversity protection, and fauna protection) – adopted by the parliaments as the basis Directive on pollutants from large combustion plants: just secondary legislation (on the form of permits for emissions) Directive on sulphur: on July 10, 2014 the Technical regulation on requirements to motor petroleum, diesel, marine and boiler fuel came into force. But the first deadline December 31, 2014 (for environmental class Euro 3).
Main challenges No political will Law drafting doesn’t mean real implementation Partial implementation of directives is not effective and sometimes impossible No coordination between relevant state bodies No clear understanding of the directives’ requirements Lack of transparency in the implementation process Lack of comprehensive vision and planning of reforms
New perspectives Possible positive impact of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement implementation – implementation plans for each directive are under development Window of opportunities after the new government appointment and new parliament starting work Creation of the Multilateral Working Group on Reforms
Thanks for your attention! Nataliya Andrusevych Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment”