Referenced product Dolphin 5 RE: Lui 2 review #001 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.1
Design information & discussion LEarNeR©, Article Of Manufacture. 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.2
Comments from Lui. Add embedded copper “rods” (sheets in 3D) to direct heat transfer to sinks. Secondary benefit is it also helps alignment when screwing two halves together. The diesel type glow plug idea heating up the cores may need more tweaking. Think about your temperature gradients in warm-up-to ignition then from ignition to steady state, then steady state to heating water phase. When we talk about COP that is the heat in/out. But the heat in is the heat getting to the core. Is the fuel chamber a hole or a chamber i.e. does a rod get inserted or is it placed inside the octagon before closing? Can the glow plugs be shorter? 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.3
12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.4
For the second part of a. “ Secondary benefit is it also helps alignment when screwing two halves together.” I respect this statement however there are no halves to align within this disclosure Dolphin 5. Reply to a.2; there is a Hardware File (DH) that is intended to mount and attach individual HE Blocks. At this point I would like to call the S-11 a Segmental Element (SE) of the composition. Quadrants 1 thru 4 clockwise, and that each fuel bore set 1 thru 8 we can call octaves or S45, S90, S135, S180,S 225, S270, S315,S 360 and so on. The issues of copper sheets and other personally contemplated benefits from other team members will need clarification. b. The diesel type glow plug idea heating up the cores may need more tweaking. Reply to b. ; this is correct, however a starting point to use to determine results thru testing in an experiment as to which other idea(s) or concept(s) on the revision of the 12Vdc Glow plugs (I/R heaters) would be more beneficial than any other method evaluated. Furthermore in addition those Glow Plugs are off the shelf for $19.95 each and the control $ Those particular Glow plugs (Autolite) shown in the drawings are sold by the millions new for all diesel engines and found used for pennies in the auto wrecking yards. Expense and package were primary for consideration. 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.5
c. Think about your temperature gradients in warm-up-to ignition then from ignition to steady state, then steady state to heating water phase. Reply to c. ; in warm up it is anticipated that the entry of coolant into the larger inner cooling tube is restricted out of the HE Block center cooling bore, and to a point that only a small amount of coolant flow is allowed through the center cooling bore within the HE Block. Back pressured water is present within the large center cooling tube in the enter side of the HE Block, and from that bore cavity the capacity is back pressured to the inlet distribution manifold. This heats the cooling fluid and backpressures it into the outer cooling tubes which then are routed thru the HE block coolant bores outer band and used as HE Block Heaters upon startup. In addition another variably restrictable thermo sensitive valve which is normally closed in the exit end of the hot water exit manifold termed Exit Manifold (EM) and in turn further restricts the outer coolant tube flow as it combines with the center tube coolant at the EM outlet. The coolant is restricted to a specific low flow in startup as to prevent coolant flow prematurely through either the HE Block or the EM center or outer cooling bores. The result is a quick startup control feature, also as to not waste water. I would greatly appreciate any figures you may have in specific that relate to either the “ in warm-up-to ignition then from ignition to steady state” temperature gradients. 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.6
d. Is the fuel chamber a hole or a chamber i.e. does a rod get inserted or is it placed inside the octagon before closing? Reply to d. ; due to the pressures and heat anticipated at this time encapsulated within the fuel chambers, and combined with the lack of any authentic parameters set on fuel chamber internal design, the HE block fuel chamber bores are simply bores polished to a mirror finish. The closing of the fuel inlet chamber is on the rear face end which has a larger entry than the hydrogen side. The rear face fuel chamber is sealed when the wave guide is inserted and torqued to specification. There are no available designs for rods or “fuel rods” available at this time. I will release anticipated methods regarding sealing methods for the pressurized fuel chambers with the HF presentations. e. Can the glow plugs be shorter? These are off the shelf and can be purchased in various sizes, diameter, length, and temperature ranges are all variable but available. Stated within the drawings was the requirement that the machinists have one example of the Glow Plugs for bore positioning. 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.7
Now there is something tangible in writing to compare with and comment on. Issues regarding a reduction in design always require a base of comparison that require over and over contemplating variables, and can only be brought into light by freely communicating choices with another person or other peoples and can generate a better reduction of the invention that is to be introduced into practice. For example; a clear discussion for the need of copper sheets. In my opinion at this time it looks slim that we can get a better fuel mix than anyone else in any reasonable time frame, “unless” were lucky. That’s possible and the good thing that comes from this, is that we all benefit by having our product design, and refining it many times until we are completely self assured that anyone trying to make a product in the same product line, and competing directly in the same market and product line, will have to re design completely their product to avoid infringement on ours. This will allow our product value to extend through the 20 years of the U.S. Granted Patent. Furthermore the fuel issues need to be carefully evaluated and largely due to the fact of claimed emissions while loading and starting up the process. We simply do not have the time to wait for the preparation of the provisional patent draft for the “Article Of Manufacture”. The provisional draft is being written now. 12/26/2015Answers to Lui 001 Dolphin 5 by Dale.8