The Resource Description Framework And its application to
Where we’ll go… Brief tour of Current state of the project GEMcat 4.0 GEM2 RDF
A really big experiment in self- cataloging. A consortial effort to provide a directory to quality educational materials on the web.
Behind the scenes: Content providers and consortium members catalog and embed metadata Register URIs with GEM Harvester crawls the metadata, builds database. GEM1 data is html meta tags. Descriptors based on Dublin Core + GEM qualifiers: Workbench/Metadata Workbench/Metadata
Next steps: Implement z39.50 Blue Angel Implement new data format RDF Release new cataloging module GEMcat 4?
What is RDF? A model for representing metadata A syntax for encoding and transporting this metadata. value of the property Stuff in the world property of stuff SubjectPredicateObject
So what does it look like? <rdf:Description rdf:about = " Really Interesting Subject Predicate Object And that is the entire model.
Dublin Core in RDF Expressing Dublin Core with RDF Eric Miller Dublin Core; RDF; XML Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Dublin Core Data Model Working Group text/html en
Structured entities Well, there are complications… Jon Jab dc:creator gem:person gem:
Same approach for Statements about Statements Lesson Plan Archive
Controlled language & encoding schemes Secondary Education T13:35:29-5:00
Eventually, things get silly…
Links rdf parser from RDF Model and Syntax Specification RDF Schema Specification 1.0 RDF homepage Expressing Qualified Dublin Core in RDF The Gateway to Educational Materials GEMinfo (about the Gateway) This presentation: