The gene codes for the protein E-cadherin (epithelial) Many subtypes of cadherins (= calcium-dependent adhesion) Deactivating mutations are pathogenic Loss of E-cadherin expression
J Med Genet 2015; 52: Consensus Conference 2014
CDH 1 mutation positiv – total gastrectomy D1 lymphnode resection (pos lympnodes in T1 a 2-6% in T1 b 17-25%) Ensure proximal and distal margins to be without gastric mucosa At age – (consider family phenotype) Endoscopic surveillance not sufficient Age > 75 - consider carefully
Always before ”prophylactic” operation When patients decline operation In clinically defined HDGC families without CDH1 mutation Multiple (30) biopsies (5 x 6 regioner) Purpose 1. Already invasive cancer ? 2. If a microscopic focus of SRCC is shown – motivation for surgery
32 – year old man SRCC of the stomach Laparotomy (GEA): Carcinose + liver metastases Died few weeks postoperatively with unclear CNS symptoms (carcinomatosis o.p) Father died of gastric cancer 42 years old 3 cousins of the father also had gastric cancer at an early age A patogenic CDH – 1 mutation (2 – bp deletion in exon 5) was shown
42 † + 3 Cousins with gastric cancer 2 died young Do not want test † Probanden † Died of gastric cancer Do not want operation or control Prophylactic gastrectomy 5 siblings: 3 positive 1 negative 1 no test 2 operated 1 cousin : negative (married to the probands sister)
44 year old man subtotal gastrectomy and chemotherapy for T2N2M0 SRCC. Metastases to neck lymphnodes 3 months later † 45 år Grandfather died of gastric cancer Mother died at 27 years with peritoneal carcinosis Mothers brother and sister died of gastric SRCC – 51 and 68 years old Brother died of gastric SRCC - 49 år CDH 1 mutation: c insTT i exon 10 Uncertain effect – testet and found to be pathogenic
††† †† † † : Prophylactic gastrectomy Proband 9 asymptomatic members testet positive : 5 total gastrectomy in DK 1 probably operated in Italy 1 had disseminated disease when testet (had refused the test a year earlier) 2 are 19 and 20 years. (one living in Sweden)
SRCC: Microscopic focus of Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma (T1A) Bardram L, Hansen TVO, Gerdes AM et al. Familial Cancer 2014; 13:
Kg Weightloss % at 1 year T3 cancer + chemo
The Impact of Prophylactic Total Gastrectomy on Health-Related Quality of Life: A Prospective Cohort Study. Worster, Elizabeth; Liu, Xinxue; Richardson, Susan; Hardwick, Richard; Dwerryhouse, Sarah; Caldas, Carlos; Fitzgerald, Rebecca Annals of Surgery. 260(1):87-93, July % weight loss Physical function scorePhysical health score
Recommended at age Consider familial ”phenotype” Age > 75 - consider carefully What about pregnancy delivery of healthy child documented artificial fertilization after egg sorting
Was early pregnant when testet positive Chose abortion - in order to proceed with gastrectomy immediately (grandmother died at age 27 of dessiminated cancer) 3 years later : Delivery of healthy child (mutation negative) Had artificial fertilization after egg sorting Prophylactic mastectomy a week ago (16 months after delivery)- 31 year old
Lobular breast cancer Annual MRI 3 women in family B: One had a small invasive cancer found by MRI – multiple LBC foci found in the resected specimen Had subsequent prophylactic bilateral mastectomy: Multiple foci of LBC Two had bilateral prophylactic mastectomy: No malignancies Whole specimen not examined for microscopic LBC foci Not sufficient evidence for recommending prophylactic mastectomy