Upcoming Goods and Services Contract Opportunities Corinna Cooper & Josh Klika Procurement Supervisors
Where to Statewide & DES Opportunities WA State Procurement Rules and Policies Responsiveness, Pricing, Responsibility and Specifications Two-Tier Contracting Protests and Complaint procedures Contract Finalization Performance Issues Tips for a Better Bid & Resources Discussion Points 2
Where to find the opportunities? Statewide view: aspx aspx 3 Where to find Statewide Opportunities
Where to find the opportunities? Statewide view: 4 Where to find Statewide Opportunities
Where to find the opportunities? DES view PlannedProcurement.aspx 5 Where to find DES Contracts
Revised Code of Washington (RCW) - RCW Goods & Services (includes IT)RCW RCW Public WorksRCW RCW Engineering & Architectural ServicesRCW Washington Administrative Code (WAC) – WAC : Contracting for Goods & ServicesWAC WAC : Debarment ProceduresWAC WA State Procurement Statutes & Rules
DES – Delegation of Authority DES – Sole Source Contracts DES – Emergency Procurements/Purchases DES – Direct Buy Procurements/Purchases DES – Complaints and Protests DES – Agency Contract Reporting DES Procurement Policies 7
Timely Submittal Meets all Mandatory Requirements –Price Sheet, Specifications, Bidder Profiles, Amendments, Signed Offer Acceptance of Terms Responsiveness 8
Do what the solicitation says! Complete all required steps Double Check your figures Preferences & Reciprocity Prompt Payments Price Evaluation 9
Ability, Capacity, Skill Character, Integrity, Reputation Performance Timeliness Past Performance and Compliance Site Visits Other Considerations References Debarment Responsibility Checks 10
Check all the appropriate boxes Provide as much detail as possible Samples and Documentation Performance & Equipment Testing May seek Clarification on “equal products” Specification Compliance 11
Cost Non-Cost Scored vs. Pass/Fail A Team may review Non-Cost requirements. –Group Score or Individual scores averaged Evaluators sign a Confidentiality Agreement Evaluation 12
A procurement within a procurement –The first tier is similar to a typical master contract and will result in a competitively bid pre-qualified vendor pool. –The second tier involves a separate competition, conducted by a purchaser, for a specific need and only sent to the established pre-qualified vendor pool (Details). –Vendor pool Refresh opportunities vary depending on the contract. Examples include: Janitorial Services, Analytical Labs, Derelict Vessels, IT Professional Services and Integrated Pest Management Two-Tier Solicitations 13
Two Processes Complaint… After the posting of the bid Before bids are due Protest …… After apparent successful bidder is announced, after a debrief has occurred and before protest deadline Complaints & Protests 14
Vendors must be given an opportunity to submit a complaint to the agency based on any of the following: o The solicitation unnecessarily restricts competition o The evaluation or scoring process is unfair or flawed o The solicitation requirements are inadequate or insufficient to prepare a response The complaint issue may not be raised again during the protest period. The agency complaint process does not need to include an appeal process. Complaints 15
After the announcement of the apparent successful bidder (ASB), agencies must offer a debriefing conference to any bidder upon request. Agencies must give bidders a minimum of at least 3 business days after the ASB is announced to request the debriefing conference. Agencies must give bidders at least 5 business days after their debriefing conference to file a protest. Protest 16
The protest process as a minimum, must allow vendors an opportunity to submit a protest based on any of the following : o A matter of bias, discrimination, or conflict of interest on the part of an evaluator o Errors in computing the scores; or o Non-compliance with procedures described in the procurement document or agency protest process or DES requirements. Agencies should assign a neutral party that had no involvement in the evaluation and award process to investigate and respond to the protest. Protest 17
Implementation All Documents Posted Online Contract Administration by vendor Contract Performance is monitored on both sides Marketing of Contracts by vendor Usage Reporting Management Fee Payments After Award of Contract 18
Maintain communication with the contract administrator. Survey the contract administrator and customers for key project milestones and request schedules, e.g. opportunities to purchase with end of year funds. Inform customers of temporary outages on key products to synchronize demand ahead of time. Inform contract administrator and customers of key staff changes (Who is my sales rep. today?). Inform contract administrator of changes to your website, catalogs, or any third party service providers that affect your customers. Submit Sales even when there have been zero sales. Pay Management Fees in a timely manner. Performance Issue Avoidance 19
1.Do your Homework and learn about the previous contract. 2.Monitor Washington Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) postings. 3.Contact the procurement coordinator as soon as possible for clarification and any concerns 4.Scrutinize bid specifications 5.Attend pre-bid conference or site visit & Ask Questions 6.Double check responsiveness 7.Don’t be late 8.Use all forms provided 9.Contact your references and get current contact information. 10.Make sure your business contact information is current in WEBS. Tips for Better Results 20
Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) – PTAC’s mission is to maximize the number of capable U.S. companies participating in the government marketplace. Resources 21
Office of Minority & Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE) Resources 22
Discussion/Questions 23 Ask Away!!
Thank you! Corinna & Josh Thank you 24