Aquatic Biodiversity Threatened and Endangered Species
Overview of non-native species Heinz Center Report: Non-native Species
Status of U.S.Ecosystems Heinz Center Report The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems All US Species EPA - Aquatic Biodiversity
In what ecosystems is biodiversity loss the greatest concern??
Biodiversity in U.S. EPA - Aquatic Biodiversity
Freshwater Biodiversity by level of risk and region Heinz Center At-Risk Native Freshwater Species
Causes of aquatic biodiversity loss What makes species vulnerable to extinction? Why are freshwater systems more vulnerable than terrestrial ones? What are the major causes of freshwater species extinctions? Why does it matter?
US Endangered Species Listing of Species What factors are considered? What factors are considered? Who makes the decisions? Who makes the decisions? USFWS Species SummarySpecies Summary
U.S. Listed Vertebrate Animal Species Report by Taxonomic Group
Which 3 Amphibian Species Should be Listed? NatureServe Explorer: An Online Encyclopedia of Life. Frog, Columbia spotted Frog, mountain yellow-legged Frog, relict leopard Hellbender, Ozark Salamander, Austin blind Waterdog, black warrior (=Sipsey Fork)
Atlantic Salmon Division of Endangered Species, Species in the Spotlight