LET LOVE OF THE BRETHREN CONTINUE (v.1) – Especially kind and tender (2 Pet. 1:7, Rom. 12:10, I Pet. 3:8) Exhortations in Christian Living.


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Presentation transcript:

LET LOVE OF THE BRETHREN CONTINUE (v.1) – Especially kind and tender (2 Pet. 1:7, Rom. 12:10, I Pet. 3:8) Exhortations in Christian Living

LET LOVE OF THE BRETHREN CONTINUE (v.1) – Especially kind and tender (2 Pet. 1:7, Rom. 12:10, I Pet. 3:8) – Genuine and fervent (I Pet. 1:22) Exhortations in Christian Living

LET LOVE OF THE BRETHREN CONTINUE (v.1) – Especially kind and tender (2 Pet. 1:7, Rom. 12:10, I Pet. 3:8) – Genuine and fervent (I Pet. 1:22) – Abounding and Growing (I Thess. 4:9) Exhortations in Christian Living

DO NOT FORGET TO SHOW LOVE TO STRANGERS (v.2) – Showing Hospitality (Rom. 12:13) Exhortations in Christian Living

DO NOT FORGET TO SHOW LOVE TO STRANGERS (v.2) – Showing Hospitality (Rom. 12:13) – Engrained habit of joy (I Tim. 3:2, Titus 1:8, I Pet. 4:9) Exhortations in Christian Living

DO NOT FORGET TO SHOW LOVE TO STRANGERS (v.2) – Showing Hospitality (Rom. 12:13) – Engrained habit of joy (I Tim. 3:2, Titus 1:8, I Pet. 4:9) – These strangers in your midst may be on a mission from God( angels) for your benefit (Gen. 19:1-13) Exhortations in Christian Living

REMEMBER THEM IN PRISON AND THOSE ILL-TREATED (v.3) – As bound with them for the cause of Christ – As in the body with them feeling the pain Exhortations in Christian Living

REMEMBER THEM IN PRISON AND THOSE ILL-TREATED (v.3) – As bound with them for the cause of Christ – As in the body with them feeling the pain – Remember in prayer (Eph. 6:18-20) Exhortations in Christian Living

REMEMBER THEM IN PRISON AND THOSE ILL-TREATED (v.3) – As bound with them for the cause of Christ – As in the body with them feeling the pain – Remember in prayer (Eph. 6:18-20) – Remember with helpful visit (2 Tim. 1:16-17) Exhortations in Christian Living

ALL MUST HONOR MARRIAGE – A HOLY RELATIONSHIP (v.4) – One man – one woman- for life (Matt. 19:4-6, Rom. 7:2-3) Exhortations in Christian Living

ALL MUST HONOR MARRIAGE – A HOLY RELATIONSHIP (v.4) – One man – one woman- for life (Matt. 19:4-6, Rom. 7:2-3) – No same sex marriage possible with God! Exhortations in Christian Living

ALL MUST HONOR MARRIAGE – A HOLY RELATIONSHIP (v.4) – One man – one woman- for life (Matt. 19:4-6, Rom. 7:2-3) – No same sex marriage possible with God! – God will judge all fornicators and adulterers – His marriage law governs all (I Cor. 5:13, Jn. 12: 47-48) Exhortations in Christian Living

BE FREE OF THE LOVE OF MONEY (v.5) – Be content with such things as you have – sufficient ( I Tim. 6:6-8, Lk. 3:14, Lk. 12:15) Exhortations in Christian Living

BE FREE OF THE LOVE OF MONEY (v.5) – Be content with such things as you have – sufficient ( I Tim. 6:6-8, Lk. 3:14, Lk. 12:15) – No way will God will fail us or forsake us (Deut. 31:6, Josh. 1:5, Psm. 22:24, Matt. 6:32-33, I Tim. 6:17) Exhortations in Christian Living

BE FREE OF THE LOVE OF MONEY (v.5) – Be content with such things as you have – sufficient ( I Tim. 6:6-8, Lk. 3:14, Lk. 12:15) – No way will God fail us or forsake us (Deut. 31:6, Josh. 1:5, Psm. 22:24, Matt. 6:32-33, I Tim. 6:17) – The Lord is my helper – look beyond what man can do to you (Psm. 118:6) Exhortations in Christian Living