Why Buy Local Food? Food is taken for granted We’ve forgotten how food is grown and who grows it and how fresh food tastes
Interest in local food is growing
How far does your food travel? Look in your kitchen, where did your food come from? Food may be less fresh, less nutritious, less flavorful
Buy as close to home as possible Estimated that only 4% of food consumed in IL is produced in IL
Family Farms strengthen communities and protect nature
Only 9 cents of your food dollar reaches the farmer in traditional food markets
Downtown Qcy Local food keeps money in our community and creates jobs
Local Food is as fresh as it gets!
Local food can make eating healthy easier
Protect farmland and the environment by eating local
Shop Farmers Markets
Enjoy the best of the season
Mill creek Buy direct and get to know your farmer
Join a CSA for fresh food every week
Request and purchase local food whenever possible
Grow your own… in the backyard or join a community garden
Eating local is good for us and our community
Join a food policy council Local Food, Farms & Jobs: Growing the Illinois Economy
What is Agri-Tourism? Any activity that brings the non-farm public to the farm in an effort to market a product, service or experience to that customer
Agritourism Ideas Wineries Bed & Breakfasts Hunting Clubs Farm Markets Corn Mazes Pumpkin farms –School tours Festivals –Shrimp, wine & horseradish –Heritage tours –Nature based
What is the Motivation Behind Agritourism Development Inadequate farm profits Farm diversification (need more than cows and sows) Efforts to improve utilization of all farm resources Develop hobbies into profitable businesses Retirement Many more
For more information: Carrie Edgar University of Illinois Extension Adams/Brown Unit