Thyroid hormones are synthesized in the thyroid gland. Iodination and coupling of two molecules of tyrosine. Monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine. T3 and T4 are formed, incorporated in thyroglobulin in the colloid. Thyroglobulin is taken by the follicular cells, proteolytic enzymes break it and T3 and T4 released into the circulation.
TSH controls the whole process. More than 99% of plasma T3 and T4 are bound to thyroid binding globulin (TBG) and albumin. The free is the active form. Deiodination of T4 peripherally produces T3. Some rT3 is also formed (inactive). T3 is more active than T4.
Affect metabolic processes Increases oxygen consumption Change the expression of some genes. Essential for normal growth, mental development and sexual maturation. Increase the sensitivity to catecholeamines.
T4 inhibits TSH. TRH stimulates TSH secretion.
Free T4 vs total Free T3 (hyperthyroidism) TSH
Increased : High estrogen Inherited excess Decreased: Severe illness Loss of proteins Androgens Inherited deficiency
Autoimmune Toxic nodules Ingestion of thyroid hormones
Increased metabolic rate
High T3 and T4 Low TSH
Primary, Congenital, autoimmune, overtreatment of hyperthyroidism Secondary, pituitary disease
Goiter Slow metabolic rate
Primary: low T4, high TSH Secondary: Low T4, low TSH Low HB Cholesterol CK
Congenital hypothyroidism Short stature Mental retardation Preventable Screen by TSH from cord or heel blood.