The Rise of the Byzantines Main Idea: The Eastern Roman Empire grew rich and and powerful as the Western Roman Empire fell.


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Presentation transcript:

The Rise of the Byzantines Main Idea: The Eastern Roman Empire grew rich and and powerful as the Western Roman Empire fell.

The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire reached a high point in the A.D. 500’s. The Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire reached a high point in the A.D. 500’s. It spread west to Italy, south to Egypt, and east to the border of Arabia. It spread west to Italy, south to Egypt, and east to the border of Arabia. Greeks made up the largest group. Greeks made up the largest group.

Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to the east and called it Constantinople in present day Istanbul, Turkey. Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire from Rome to the east and called it Constantinople in present day Istanbul, Turkey. It is located between the Black Sea and Aegean Sea which makes it a crossroads for trade between Europe and Asia. It is located between the Black Sea and Aegean Sea which makes it a crossroads for trade between Europe and Asia. It became very wealthy from trade. It became very wealthy from trade. It was known as “New Rome” and followed Roman ways. It was known as “New Rome” and followed Roman ways.

Public buildings and palaces were built in the Roman style. Public buildings and palaces were built in the Roman style. The Hippodrome was a huge arena built for chariot racing. The Hippodrome was a huge arena built for chariot racing. Political and social life was based on the Roman way with Emperors speaking Latin and enforcing Roman laws. Political and social life was based on the Roman way with Emperors speaking Latin and enforcing Roman laws. The poor still received free bread and shows. The poor still received free bread and shows. The wealthy lived on large farming estates. The wealthy lived on large farming estates.

The Rise of the Byzantines As time passed, the Byzantine Empire became more Greek. ( spoke Greek and honored Greek history) As time passed, the Byzantine Empire became more Greek. ( spoke Greek and honored Greek history) Other groups such as the Egyptians, Persians, and Slavs also contributed to the cultural ways. Other groups such as the Egyptians, Persians, and Slavs also contributed to the cultural ways. Between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1200, the Byzantines had one of the world’s richest and most advanced empires. Between A.D. 500 and A.D. 1200, the Byzantines had one of the world’s richest and most advanced empires.

Justinian Justinian became Emperor in A.D Justinian became Emperor in A.D He was strong leader who controlled the military, made laws, and was supreme judge. His order was unquestionable. He was strong leader who controlled the military, made laws, and was supreme judge. His order was unquestionable. He was married to Theodora, a strong-willed, former actress who helped him run the empire. He was married to Theodora, a strong-willed, former actress who helped him run the empire. Theodora influenced Justinian to give women more rights. Example: Women were given the right to own land. Theodora influenced Justinian to give women more rights. Example: Women were given the right to own land.

Justinian’s Conquests Justinian wanted to reunite the Roman Empire. Justinian wanted to reunite the Roman Empire. He named the general, Belisarius, to strenghthen and lead the army. He named the general, Belisarius, to strenghthen and lead the army. Belisarius organized a calvary of soldiers on horseback who wore armor and carried bows and lances. Belisarius organized a calvary of soldiers on horseback who wore armor and carried bows and lances. The Byzantine military was successful in conquering Italy, Northern Africa, and defeating the Persians. The Byzantine military was successful in conquering Italy, Northern Africa, and defeating the Persians. after Justinian’s death, his empire didn’t have the money to maintain an army and lost the west again. after Justinian’s death, his empire didn’t have the money to maintain an army and lost the west again.

Justinian ordered a group of scholars led by, Tribonian, to reform the empires laws. Justinian ordered a group of scholars led by, Tribonian, to reform the empires laws. The new simplified code became known as Justinian’s Code. The new simplified code became known as Justinian’s Code. The new code made it easier for officials, business people, and individuals to more easily understand the Empire’s laws. The new code made it easier for officials, business people, and individuals to more easily understand the Empire’s laws. Justinian’s Code had a great influence on the laws of many European countries of today. Justinian’s Code had a great influence on the laws of many European countries of today.

Byzantine Civilization The Byzantine civilization lasted about 1000 years. The Byzantine civilization lasted about 1000 years. Constantinople became the richest city in Europe. Constantinople became the richest city in Europe. Byzantines were highly educated and creative. Byzantines were highly educated and creative. They preserved and passed on Greek culture and Roman law to other peoples. They preserved and passed on Greek culture and Roman law to other peoples. They gave the world new methods of arts. They gave the world new methods of arts. They spread Christianity to people in Eastern Europe. They spread Christianity to people in Eastern Europe.

The Importance of Trade From the A.D. 500’s to the A.D. 1100’s, the Byzantine Empire was the center of trade between Europe and Asia. From the A.D. 500’s to the A.D. 1100’s, the Byzantine Empire was the center of trade between Europe and Asia. 1. Imports (from Asia)- Byzantium received luxury goods such as, spices, gems, metals and cloth. 2. Exports (from Byzantium) included farm goods, furs, honey, and enslaved people from Northern Europe.  Although trade made Byzantium wealthy, most people were farmers, herders, laborers, and artisans. A major industry was silk weaving.

Byzantine Art and Architecture Byzantine emperors ordered the building of churches, forts, and public building, throughout the empire. Byzantine emperors ordered the building of churches, forts, and public building, throughout the empire. Constantinople is known for hundreds of churches and palaces. Constantinople is known for hundreds of churches and palaces. Justinians greatest building achievement was the Hagia Sophia, which means “Holy Wisdom.” Justinians greatest building achievement was the Hagia Sophia, which means “Holy Wisdom.” It became the religious center of the Byzantine Empire. It became the religious center of the Byzantine Empire.

Byzantine Art and Architecture

Byzantine Architecture Inside the Hagia Sophia Inside the Hagia Sophia

Byzantine Art and Architecture The walls of the Hagia Sophia were covered with beautiful marble mosaics; pictures made from many bits of colored glass or stone. The walls of the Hagia Sophia were covered with beautiful marble mosaics; pictures made from many bits of colored glass or stone. Byzantine mosaics mainly showed figures of saints or Christian holy people. Byzantine mosaics mainly showed figures of saints or Christian holy people.

Byzantine Religious Art

Family was the center of social life. Family was the center of social life. The government stressed the importance of marriage and divorce was rare. The government stressed the importance of marriage and divorce was rare. Some Byzantine women became well educated and involved in politics. Some Byzantine women became well educated and involved in politics. Some women served as regents, a person who stands in for a ruler who is too young or too ill to govern. Some women served as regents, a person who stands in for a ruler who is too young or too ill to govern.

Learning was highly respected in the Byzantine culture and was supported by the government Learning was highly respected in the Byzantine culture and was supported by the government Boys studied religion, medicine, law, arithmetic, grammar, and other subjects. Boys studied religion, medicine, law, arithmetic, grammar, and other subjects. Girls were taught at home. Girls were taught at home. Byzantine authors wrote about religion and stressed the need to obey god and save one’s soul. Byzantine authors wrote about religion and stressed the need to obey god and save one’s soul. Byzantine writers copied and passed on the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. These are the world’s only copies. Byzantine writers copied and passed on the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. These are the world’s only copies.