Ministry of Industries & Production Ministry of Industries & Production - GOP Pakistan-Russia Investment Forum
MOIP MISSION & VISION To play a leadership role in formulating and implementing a comprehensive strategy for rapid industrialization of Pakistan which aims at maximizing job creation and enhancing Pakistan’s international competitiveness. To Achieve Efficient, Sustainable and Equitable Development.
3 Ministry of Industries & Production, Government of Pakistan Small & Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) National Fertilizer Corporation Utility Stores Corporation (USC) Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) Engineering Development Board (EDB) National Productivity Organization (NPO) Pakistan Industrial Technical Assistance Centre (PITAC) Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM), Lahore Heavy Mechanical Complex Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) Technology Upgradation & Skill Development Company Department of Explosives Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) Southern Punjab Embroidery Industries (SPEI) National Industrial Parks Development & Management Company (NIP) Leather Craft Development Company (LCDC) State Engineering Corporations Pakistan Gems & Jewellery Development Company (PGJDC) Pakistan Stone Development Company (PASDEC) Karachi Tools, Dies & Moulds Company Pakistan Hunting & Sporting Arms Development Company Furniture Pakistan Gujranwala Tools Dies & Moulds Company (GTDMC) Ceramic Development & Training Complex, Gujranwala Aik Hunar Aik Nagar (AHAN) Pakistan Chemical & Energy Sector Skills Development Co. ENAR Petro-Tech Pakistan Machine Tool Factory (PMTF) Heavy Electrical Complex Pakistan Engineering Company (PECO)
MOIP Corporations/ Organizations Pakistan Institute of Mgmnt (PIM) Utility Stores Corporation (USC) State Engineering Corporations (SEC) & its Units Heavy Electrical Complex (HEC) Pakistan Machine Tool Factory (PMTF) Pakistan Engineering Company (PECO) ENAR Petrotech Services Limited (EPSL) Engineering Development Board (EDB) Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) Small & Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) Department of Explosives (DOE) Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) Pakistan Industrial & Technical Assistance Centre (PITAC) National Productivity Organization (NPO) National Fertilizer Corporation (NFC) Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC)
MOIP OBJECTIVES Enhance global orientation to adapt and respond to the changing global environment. Improve the requisite economic foundation by focusing on the development of human resource, technology acquisition, physical infrastructure and business support services to increase productivity. Give top priority to knowledge based assets and provide sufficient resources to investors so that they could get the pertinent information from one window for effective decision making.
MOIP OBJECTIVES To ensure creation of an enabling environment to the entrepreneur / prospective investor through a well defined, integrated and coordinated network of information system, supported and facilitated by the organizations under Ministry of Industries. It is the mission of the Ministry of Industries to create a conducive environment so that interests & fears of the investors are taken care of. The associated departments shall therefore be given line of action for their expected achievements, while Ministry of Industries shall monitor their performance.
MOIP OBJECTIVES Ministry of Industries intends to balance the interest of the stakeholders through its supportive organizations on regular basis. The Ministry is also determined to provide technical assistance and education commensurate with the requirements of industry. If required establishing new Centers or Institutes besides strengthening the existing Institutions or Centers to impart required knowledge and skills to potential investors.
MOIP Initiatives Initiatives to boost Industrialization in the country and the steps taken for promotion of social and economical well-being of the people. Policy / Reforms formulation & implementation. Development of Industrial parks on the principle of Public Private Partnership. Technology and skill up-gradation for Industrial development. Provision of consumer goods at affordable prices through Utility Stores. International exposure to Engineering Industry in Pakistan. Facilitation of product diversification and capacity expansion. Operational performance of public Corporations/Units
9 MOIP Operational Strategy Building a Conducive Environment Proposing and facilitating changes in Policy and Regulatory Environment Reducing the Cost of Doing Business Facilitating Government- LSM & SME Interface Developing Sectors and Clusters Sector Studies, Strategies and Implementation Cluster Development Common Facility Centers (CFCs) Provision and Facilitation of Services Investment Facilitation (Helpdesk, Pre-feasibilities and Business Plans etc.) Technology, Training, Finance, Business Information, Marketing & legal support Productivity and Competitiveness Improvement
MNC’s in PAKISTAN PAKISTAN Home to 600 Foreign Companies 156 in Industrial Sector 60 Listed on Stock Exchange AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING/OTHERS Johnson & Phillips Polycon (Pvt) LTD
Ghotki Mingora Hub Punjab 65.26% Sindh 17.83% Sindh 17.83% KPK 14.21% KPK 14.21% Baluchistan 2.18% Baluchistan 2.18% RBCs (25) Issues Source: Census of Economic Establishments 2005 LSM & SME’s Foot Prints Provincial Offices (4)
Sectoral Contribution to GDP (%) Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan ( )
Potential Areas for Investment SectorLocationBusiness Activity Livestock, Dairy and Poultry South Punjab, Lahore, Sahiwal, Okara, Sargodha Corporate Farming Meat Processing Slaughter House Frozen Chicken Auto-Vendor Industry Lahore, Gujranwala, Karachi Die & Mould Technology Services Wholesale & RetailAll Major cities Pharmacy, Garments, Bakery Franchise / Chain Housing & Construction All Major cities Construction Company Lending Agro-Processing South Punjab, Sargodha, Mirpur Khas, Sanghar, Tendo Allahyar Fresh Fruit & Veg. Processing Halal Food Fruit Pulp (Mango, Guava) Fruit & Veg. dehydration
Potential Areas for Investment SectorLocationBusiness Activity Surgical, Sports Goods & Leather Sialkot Composite SG, Latex processing, Sportswear Electro Medical Light Engineering (Fan, Cutlery and Electrical Appliances) Gujranwala, Gujrat, Waziarabad Accredited Testing Labs Technical Consultancy Material Development Textile : Value added Products Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan JVs Buying Houses Garments, Embroidery IT and Communication All Major cities Franchise Software House JVs Service SectorUrban Areas High School Private Hospital Franchise
Potential Areas for Investment SectorLocationBusiness Activity MineralsKP and Baluchistan Model Quarries Marble & Granite Processing Gems Cutting & Polishing Chromite Processing Leather Sialkot, Lahore, Karachi, Kasur Leather Garments Leather Made ups Fashion Gloves Shoes Logistics Gilgit, Peshawar, Faisalabad, Lahore, Sialkot, Karachi, Gwadar Trucking Companies Freight Forwarding Firms Trucking Stations / Workshops Warehouses
EPZA & Investment Opportunities
17 US$ 20.0 Billion
Pakistan-Russia Investment Forum THANK YOU Ministry of Industries & Production - GOP