Webspace Digital Marketing Campaigns Search Engine Optimization
Introduction Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of understanding search engines – and using that knowledge to make a website rank high on search engines like Google, Yahoo! Search, and Bing. When your website gets ranked high, your customers will find it easier to find you. Webspace has over 6 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization. Like how we have helped many satisfied clients, we can also help you: Increase your website’s daily visitor count; Improve the quality of visitors who visit your site; Have your website own the highest search engine ranking on highly profitable keywords; Convince visitors to stay in your website, to avoid increase in Bounce Rate. Increase the chances of your visitors in converting into customers.
SEO Packages Starter Package Price: P7500 Per Month Perfect for startups and websites that demand a minimum amount of traffic. Provides a noticeable increase in website viewership. Small Business Package Price: P12500 Per Month Perfect for small business who want to build and maintain a good traffic base and ready the site for an ecommerce platform Enterprise Package Price: P15000 Per Month Perect for companies who require a surge of web traffic and that require their websites to generate the highest possible viewership.
Starter Package Website Content Modification – Webspace will modify the content of your website’s HTML code to ensure that it is most easily read and interpreted by all the major search engines. This includes editing of the various website elements such as header tags, image tags, and paragraph tags. Keyword Research And Analysis – Webspace will be embedding keywords into your websites header code which will attract the highest number of viewers in your market segment. Search Engine Submission – Webspace will submit your websites address to all the major search engines in order to ensure maximum viewership. Link Building – Webspace will generate links to your website from other websites around the web. This is an important tool which search engines will use to evaluate a websites importance. The Small Business package covers 20 link backs per month. Directory Submissions – Your website will be submitted to major directories around the web in order to increase viewershp and catalog your webste into the right category on the web Traffic Analysis and Visitor Ranking – You will be provided with a website statistics tool where you can see your websites traffic monitored on a day to day basis, in order to track the improved performance of the campaign.
Small Business Package Website Content Modification – Webspace will modify the content of your website’s HTML code to ensure that it is most easily read and interpreted by all the major search engines. This includes editing of the various website elements such as header tags, image tags, and paragraph tags. Keyword Research And Analysis – Webspace will be embedding keywords into your websites header code which will attract the highest number of viewers in your market segment. Search Engine Submission – Webspace will submit your websites address to all the major search engines in order to ensure maximum viewership. Link Building – Webspace will generate links to your website from other websites around the web. This is an important tool which search engines will use to evaluate a websites importance. The Small Business package covers 20 link backs per month. Directory Submissions – Your website will be submitted to major directories around the web in order to increase viewershp and catalog your webste into the right category on the web Continued
Small Business Package Traffic Analysis and Visitor Ranking – You will be provided with a website statistics tool where you can see your websites traffic monitored on a day to day basis, in order to track the improved performance of the campaign. Social Network Marketing – Webspace will develop a search engine friendly Facebook page, Twitter account, and Linkedin profile for your website as well as manage these accounts. Blog/News Page Development – Webpace will develop a content management system (CMS) which can be used as your website blog or your websites News page. This is an invaluable tool for search engine visibility, as any website with regularly updated content would attract the search engines increasingly over time.
Enterprise Package Website Content Modification – Webspace will modify the content of your website’s HTML code to ensure that it is most easily read and interpreted by all the major search engines. This includes editing of the various website elements such as header tags, image tags, and paragraph tags. Keyword Research And Analysis – Webspace will be embedding keywords into your websites header code which will attract the highest number of viewers in your market segment. Search Engine Submission – Webspace will submit your websites address to all the major search engines in order to ensure maximum viewership. Link Building – Webspace will generate links to your website from other websites around the web. This is an important tool which search engines will use to evaluate a websites importance. The Enterprise package covers 30 link backs per month. Directory Submissions – Your website will be submitted to major directories around the web in order to increase viewershp and catalog your webste into the right category on the web Continued
Enterprise Package Traffic Analysis and Visitor Ranking – You will be provided with a website statistics tool where you can see your websites traffic monitored on a day to day basis, in order to track the improved performance of the campaign. Social Network Marketing – Webspace will develop a search engine friendly Facebook page, Twitter account, and Linkedin profile for your website as well as manage these accounts. Blog/News Page Development – Webpace will develop a content management system (CMS) which can be used as your website blog or your websites News page. This is an invaluable tool for search engine visibility, as any website with regularly updated content would attract the search engines increasingly over time. Google Analytics Account Management – Google Analytics is a tool provided by Google that would track Google search results more specifically as well as to increase a websites ranking on the Google search engine. Wikipedia Page Development – Webspace will develop a Wikipedia page exclusive to your website and your company. This will establish the popularity of your website with the major search engines and increase the search engineanking of your website.