2.2 An English Settlement at Jamestown MAIN IDEA Two early English colonies failed, but Jamestown survived- partly through individual effort and hard work.
WHY IT MATTERS NOW Jamestown’s survival led to more English colonies and a lasting English influence in the United States.
Roanoke and Sagadahoc First sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh in Virginia, 1585 and Settlers disappeared. Plymouth Company sponsored Sagadahoc (modern-day) Maine. -Settlers went back to England.
Joint-Stock Company Investors fund colony and give charters; get profits. In 1607, Virginia Company sends 150 people to found Jamestown.
Disastrous Start Colonists seek gold, suffer from disease and hunger. John Smith forces colonists to farm; get help from Powhatan people. (1609) 600 colonists arrive; Powhatan destroy farms; “starving time”.
“Brown Gold” and Indentured Servants New arrivals revive and expand colony. Tobacco becomes profitable; export 1.5 million lbs. by the late 1620s. Headright System- purchaser of passage get 50 acres- lures settlers. Plantation owners use indentured servants -work 4-7 years for passage.
The First African Laborers Arrived 1619, treated as indentured servants. Late 1600s, owners begin importing costly slaves because, -indentured population decreases. -colony becomes wealthy.
The English Pattern of Conquest English do not live or intermarry with Native Americans. Hostilities between Powhatan and English marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe creates a temporary peace. Renewed fighting forces the king to make Virginia a royal colony.
House of Burgesses (1619) To provide more local control. The company elected representatives that met once a year.
Economic Differences Split Virginia Former indentured people settle frontier. -Cannot vote. -Pay high taxes. Battle natives; tension between frontier, wealthy. Governor refuses to give money to help frontier fight natives.
Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon raises army to fight natives on frontier (1676). Governor calls Bacon’s army illegal; Bacon sets fire to Jamestown.