Evolution of Virus Alive or Not Biologically inert Unable to replicate genes Unable to regenerate ATP probably evolved as bits of cellular nucleic acid
Structural Component of Virus small infectious particles nucleic acid Double or single stranded DNA Double or single stranded RNA Single circular molecule or linear Capsid Protein shell some cases, a membranous envelope Made from membrane of host cell
Virus structure
Obligate intracellular parasites Replicate only in host cells
Identification of a host cell Lock and key Viral surface proteins and specific receptor molecules of the host
Bacteriophage Virus that infects bacteria Bacterial Defenses Natural selection Restriction enzymes Lysogeny Co-exist
Lytic vs Lysogenic
Retrovirus Equipped with RNA transcriptase RNA DNA DNA can enter the nucleus into the host genome HIV
Viral Infections in Animals Damage or kill cells Produce toxins Defense tools Vaccines Anti-viral drugs
Viral infections in Plants Horizontal transmission entering through damaged cell walls Vertical transmission inheriting the virus from a parent
Viroids and Prions Viroids Prions circular RNA molecules that infect plants and disrupt their growth Prions slow-acting virtually indestructible infectious proteins brain diseases in mammals – mad cow propagate by converting normal proteins into the prion version