Zombie Appearance Characteristics Background Characters Background Personality Development Attitude and Actions Morality What I Look At
Zombies Actually Dead- Zombies look like corpses, grey and rotting. Slow Moving, but aggressive in close proximity to prey. Still Alive- Zombies seem to still be living, keep color and structure Extremely Fast, and aggressive, seem to respond to more than sight.
Test Subject 19 “Rage” Virus Shows how the infection infiltrates the body. That, “[…] it invades the brain like meningitis[.]” Shows how it kills the human and then restarts only the brain stem Transformation takes eight seconds. Monkey’s that started the outbreak were infected with rage.
Life Before the Pandemic Offers background on the characters, what kind of lives they left, Tries to show they were actually people People, not just Survivors Shows that they are actually people. They have emotions and are capable of joy.
Rick Grimes Grows cold and distant. Goes from clear right and wrong to safety at any costs. Declares their group, “[…] isn’t a democracy anymore. Attempts to trade Michonne as if she were property. Carl Grimes Grows cold and distant. Seems to become desensitized to death Shows no emotion after the death of his mother Shoots and kills a surrendering opponent. Character Development
“Losing my [Morality]”- The Randall Incident. Group holds a meeting to decide what to do with Randall, a stranger they saved from walkers. Dale adamantly opposes executing him. The Group ultimately decided to kill Randall. Dale refuses to be a part of it and leaves. He is attacked by a walker and killed. His death symbolizes the death of the group’s morality.