Primary school in Levice
The school system in each country is the result of long-term development. In Slovakia it consists of three school levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. The structure of the educational system is defined by the Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak republic. The school system managed and administered by the Ministry of Education.
Compulsory education designed by school system in Slovakia last ten years. The children attend primary and secondary school during that period of childhood. Attending primary school is compulsory in Slovakia. When the children are six, they go to school for the first time. Schools inSchools in Slovakia: State Church Private The types of schools: Kindergarten = 3 – 6 years Primary schools = 6 – 15 years High schools = 15 – 19 years Colleges and Universities = from 19 years
Education of the children in Slovakia begins in kindergarten. Children attend kindergarten from 3 years or later, it depends of the parents. The learn basic knowledge here, depending of age, learn to draw, recite, sing, learn about nature, colors and things. Preschoolers learn how to recognize geometric shapes, months of the year, names of days or hygienic habits, they develop their language, thinking, interests and individual personality.
Primary schools provide basic education, intellectual, emotional and sensory motor development of pupils, their moral, aesthetic, work, health, physical, ecological and religious education. It is divided into two stages, the first is for children from 6 – 10 years old and the second one is from 11 to 15 years. In primary schools small children can spend time after school in school clubs or they can attend art school, language school and school libraries.
High schools provide secondary vocational education, general secondary education and higher vocational education. They prepare students for occupations and activities in the national economy, administration, culture, arts and other areas of life. The study lasts 2 to 4 years, it depends of the type of school. Grammar school, which prepares students for university studies in particular and High schools are completed with a final examination. Some vocational schools are without graduation.
Universities are top educational, scientific and artistic institutions that have the exclusive right to provide higher education. Higher education takes 4-6 years, terminating the state final examination. University graduates is granted the following degrees: Bachelor, Master, Engineer, Doctor.
Special schools are set up at the preschools, primary and secondary = high schools. Their role is to provide training and education of children with special needs to help them prepare for their job and get into our society. All schools educate students with the principles of patriotism, humanity and democracy. There are some schools for adults education, that help them to keep their mind fresh.
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