Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 1 Spring Quarter Final Report – An Overview Week 4 Day 2
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 2 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT PURPOSE Document what has been done so that: Boss/Customer/Peers can evaluate your work Others can duplicate your work (w/ the project notebook) AUDIENCES: Upper Manager (no details) Responsible line manager Technical people
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 3 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT SECTIONS OF REPORT Title Page Executive Summary (one page or less) Body of Report Appendices
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 4 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT -- CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary 2. Table of Contents 3. List of Figures & List of Tables 4. Introduction 5. Preliminary Concepts 6. Design Analysis 7. Preliminary Testing and Refinements 8. Final Design 9. Final Competition 10. Summary and Conclusions 11. References 12. Appendices
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 5 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT TITLE PAGE Project Title Team Number/Name Team Members Course #, Date, Section, Instructor
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 6 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (typical contents) What was the problem Why was it important to solve What method was used to solve it What was the final design How well did the final design work What should be done to improve the performance next time
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 7 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS SectionTitlePage
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 8 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT LIST OF FIGURES Figure No.Figure DescriptionPage LIST OF TABLES Table No.Table DescriptionPage
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 9 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT –Statement of problem –Why is it important to solve problem –Organization of the report INTRODUCTION
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 10 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS Introduction Requirements and constraints Brainstorming process results Descriptions of preliminary concepts words sketches mockup link words, sketches, mockup(s)
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 11 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT ANALYSIS How you moved from preliminary concepts to final design – Indicate Decisions and why you made the decision Analysis and calculations done Tests conducted (including preliminary competition) What was learned from the tests How product was refined following tests
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 12 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT FINAL DESIGN Description of final design Features and Strengths Drawings of robot chassis drive train (motor to wheels on the track) electrical system & sensors mechanism for picking & picking up objects mechanism for depositing objects
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 13 Spring Quarter FINAL REPORT FINAL COMPETITION Description of the competition Strategy your team followed Results of competition Brief analysis of reasons for success or failure
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 14 Spring Quarter Final Report Start putting the final report on disk(s) now. Put in the outline – Add more detail to the outline provided on slide 4. Example –5 – Preliminary Concepts a – Idea one –i – features –Ii – potential problems b – Idea two c – Idea three d – Mockup of Idea ? Put in a page for the Table of Contents Put in a page(s) for the Lists of Figures and Tables Put in a page that says Appendices Your outline is due Monday, Week 5
Engineering H193 - Team Project Gateway Engineering Education Coalition P. 15 Spring Quarter Grade Sheet for Outline of Final Report ItemPoints Cover Page1 Outline Format6 Major Sections / Content10 Clarity / Neatness3 TOTAL20