1 Monroe County School District Spending vs. Student Achievement John R. Dick School Board District 4
2 Comparison of Monroe to 19 “A" rated Districts in Florida The following graphs on slides 3 & 4 show the percent passing on both the Reading & Math FCAT for the past 7 years. The line with the numbered data points represents Monroe County. Over the past 7 years all of the districts have experienced an upward trend and the district placements have been fairly consistent with Monroe in the lower half.
3 Source:
4 Source:
5 Current Expenditures per FTE The graph on slide 6 shows the 19 “A” rated districts current spending per FTE for a 6 year period ending in Monroe consistently has the highest student expenditures with $12,267 for the school year.
6 Source:
7 Average Class Size The graph on slide 8 shows the class size average of the 19 “A” rated districts for the last 6 years. All districts have experienced a downward trend. Monroe County is the line shown with the numbered data points. Monroe County has remained consistently in the middle of the districts.
8 Source:
9 Administrative & Non Classroom Teacher Positions The graph on slide 10 shows the number of positions in the district office administrator, school administrator, & other professional staff categories. These positions have significantly increased during the school year which is the same year voters approved the half mil referendum.
10 Source:
11 Achievement Gap Slides 12 & 13 show the achievement gap between Monroe County and the State Average for the last 5 years. Monroe County is shown with the numbered data points. Monroe County Reading levels have not kept up with the state average.
12 Source:
13 Source:
14 SAT Scores Slides 15 & 16 shows student performance on the SAT from
17 Free & Reduced / District Grades Slide 18 shows the 67 districts in Florida with their District grade for the last 5 years. The districts are sorted in ascending order by the percentage of Free & Reduced students. The spreadsheet reveals a definite correlation between poverty and student performance.
18 District Grades Source: /districtgrades xls Free & Reduced Source: s/pdf/frplunch.pdf
19 Summary All districts have had a similar increase in student achievement during the period. All districts have decreased class size at the same rate. Monroe County has dramatically increased per student spending. The spending has increased by 66% while the average teacher salary has only increased 28% in the same period.
20 Summary For the school year Sarasota County had the highest average teacher salary of the 19 “A” rated districts at $52,348. Monroe County was next at $50,775. The average teacher salary of all the districts excluding Monroe was $44,313. The average spending per student of all the districts excluding Monroe was $8,462.
21 Summary Monroe County spending per student was 44.9% higher than the average of the other districts. Monroe County teacher salary was only 14.5% higher than the average of the other districts. Shouldn’t we re-evaluate how we are spending our financial resources?