Chapter Eighteen Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Communicating the Research Results
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 2 1.To become aware of the primary roles of a research report. 2.To learn how to organize and prepare a research report. 3.To learn how to make a personal presentation. 4.To understand the effective use and communication of marketing research information. 5.To appreciate the role of trust in a researcher-client relationship Learning Objectives
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 3 To become aware of the primary roles of a research report. The Research Report Objectives: –Explain why the research was done. –State the specific research objectives. –Explain how the research was done. –Present the findings of the research. –Provide conclusions and recommendations
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 4 To learn how to organize and prepare a research report. The Research Report Organization of the Report 1.Title Page 2.Table of Contents 3.Executive Summary 4.Background and Objectives 5.Methodology 6.Findings 7.Appendixes
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 5 Interpreting the Findings –Executive Summary Portion of a research report that summarizes the reason for the research, what were the finding, what those finding mean, and what action, if any, management should undertake –Conclusion Generalizations that answer the question raised by the research objectives The Research Report To learn how to organize and prepare a research report.
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 6 To learn how to organize and prepare a research report. The Research Report Format the Report Presentation software—Microsoft PowerPoint –Create bulleted charts –Create different types of graphs and charts –Apply other kinds of special formatting and organize pages to effectively tell the story
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 7 To learn how to organize and prepare a research report. The Research Report Predominate Reporting Style Characteristics –Minimizes the use of words. –Feeds information to clients in graphical ‘minibites’ –Makes extensive use of bulleted charts. –Makes extensive use of graphic presentation of results.
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 8 To learn about personal presentations. The Presentation Presentation Materials –Three aids 1.Presentation outline 2.Visuals –Laptop computer –Presentation software –Projectors 3.Copies of the final report
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 9 To learn about personal presentations. The Presentation Making Presentation –What do the data really mean? –What impact do they have? –What have we learned from the data? –What do we need to do, given the information we now have? –How can future studies of this nature be enhanced? –What can make information such as this more useful?
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 10 To understand the use and communication of marketing research information. Effective Use of Research Information Key factors in the use of marketing research 1.The perceived creditability and usefulness of the report to the users. 2.The degree of client/researcher interaction. 3.The organizational climate for research. 4.The personalities and job tenure of key users
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 11 To appreciate the role of trust in a researcher-client relationship. Role of Trust The Role of Trust –Perceived integrity of the researcher –Perceived willingness of the researcher to reduce research uncertainty for the users –Confidentiality, levels of expertise, and congeniality
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 12 The Research Report The Presentation Effective Use of Research Information The Role of Trust SUMMARY
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 13 The End Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Son, Inc
Learning Objective John Wiley & Son, Inc. 14 The End Copyright © 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning