Puritanism An Introduction
Look at this photo. Based on their appearance, how would you describe this family? What would they do for fun? What do they value?
Key Learning: Analyzing author’s style and purpose to interpret the vision and dreams of different Americans. The Birth of the American Dream: Early America We are learning about Puritanism. How does author’s style and purpose allow us to relate to past American dreams and visions?
Puritan Tenants
Edward Taylor Taylor only published two stanzas of his poetry during his lifetime. Given his cultural background, why do you think this is? Taylor only published two stanzas of his poetry during his lifetime. Given his cultural background, why do you think this is?
“Huswifery”—Husband; Wife; Housekeeping The bond between a human being and God.
Extended Metaphor A comparison that spans the length of a work (poem, sermon, song, book), without using like or as. A comparison that spans the length of a work (poem, sermon, song, book), without using like or as.
What are the many different parts of a printer?
When all work together, the printer works in harmony—but if something is jammed or imperfect what happens?
Taylor’s Metaphor REEL FLYERS WHEEL
Apostrophe When the speaker addresses someone/thing that is not physically present (ie. Dead person), a personified object or an abstract idea (ie. God). Edwards uses apostrophe in his poem. Who/what is he addressing in the first line that would make this an apostrophe? When the speaker addresses someone/thing that is not physically present (ie. Dead person), a personified object or an abstract idea (ie. God). Edwards uses apostrophe in his poem. Who/what is he addressing in the first line that would make this an apostrophe?
Make Me, O Lord, Thy Spinning Wheel COMPLETE! What is he asking to be? What is he asking to be? Spinning wheel=machine…complete… Spinning wheel=machine…complete… Apostrophe!!!!!! Apostrophe!!!!!! Request of God=Prayer Request of God=Prayer
Exit Ticket How could you modernize the poem? Give and idea and explain why (ipod; break down how it works & express our cultural values and uses). How could you modernize the poem? Give and idea and explain why (ipod; break down how it works & express our cultural values and uses).