SCHOOL ELECTIONS The “Nuts and Bolts”
THE BASICS School Trustee Elections are held the First Tuesday in May each year. Trustees are elected to a 3 year seat on their local board. ANY individual who is a registered voter of the district may file for their name to be on the ballot. Seats for trustees who are appointed to fill a vacancy on the board must be opened for election at the next May Trustee election.
TYPES OF ELECTIONS WE WILL REVIEW: Traditional Poll Elections Processes, Procedures and Forms Changes from the 2015 Legislature Mail Ballot Elections Processes, Procedures and Forms Changes from the 2015 Legislature Other Elections (formally known as “Special”) Rules and Specifications for each
TRADITIONAL POLL ELECTIONS Review the Election Calendar for Deadlines Postings Due Dates Candidacy Filing Deadlines Judges Appointments Absentee Ballots A Check List to keep track helpful!
CHECK LIST IDEAS Pick one that works for you! Calendars – Lists – visible and easily found Electronic – desktop KEEPING TRACK OF DATES AND DEADLINES IS CRUITIAL FOR A UNCONTESTED ELECTION!
CLERK VS COUNTY ELECTION IF county election administrator agrees to run the school election for the district, verify WHO is doing WHAT Election notices… What will the County provide for polls/election materials and What do you need to make available? If you serve as Election Administrator….. County only responsible to provide Voter Information including Absentee Lists and registration lists
CLERK VS COUNTY ELECTION Who’s in charge? School Clerk serves as Election Administrator unless otherwise designated by the board May request county election administrator to conduct school elections Must be done by Board Resolution June 1 st of the year PRECEDING the election See election calendar
CANDIDATE FORMS Declaration for Nomination and Oath for Candidacy Check Calendar for dates Write in Candidate Declaration for Nomination Check Calendar for dates No Withdrawn Form
ELECTION JUDGES Must be a “Certified” Election Judge – Re-certified every 2 years County Certified List If using your own, district is responsible for training ANY registered voter of the district may serve as an election judge who has been certified Must be appointed by the board or the board must grant authority to the elections administrator to appoint from qualifying judges list Emergency Provisions – Notification requirements to Judges
ABSENTEE VOTERS Must be a Registered Voter with the County Elections Office What is a Permanent Absentee Voter? Exceptions? Forms Application for Absentee Ballot Procedures for processing absentee ballot requests
LATE REGISTRATION New Requirements for School Elections Notice requirement County responsible for processing late registrations Late registrants bring form to the district to vote – becomes part of the official register
SETTING UP TO BE POSTED AT ALL POLLING SITES: Voter Information Posters Warning Posters Sample Ballots – From the Printer Marked “Sample” Notice on ID and Provisional Balloting Verification of Voter Info Poster Map of District Boundaries Voter Registration Tables Ballot Boxes (one for stub/one for ballot) With locks or secure access Poll Booths – What defines a Poll Booth? Provisional Ballots Materials – what are Provisional Ballots? First 3 items must be posted in Polling areas and in each poll booth
ELECTION DAY PROCEDURES Election Poll Site must be ADA compliant – What does this mean? Voter Registration – NOT AT THE POLLS! Election Administrators vs Judges Responsibilities -Who should have final decisions if there are disputes? Provisional Ballots – Definition and Purpose
ELECTION DAY PROCEDURES Poll hours – close at 8:00 p.m. Vote Counting Posting of Election Results – At polling place and local newspaper Board Canvass of Election Results ReCounts Organizational Meeting of The Board
ELECTION CALENDAR REVIEW and QUESTIONS Review of Important Dates Changes from the 2015 Legislature
* , and (repealed) – no nomination petition, * (a) any mail ballot plan and amendments must be immediately transferred, * the requirement that districts must notice the close of regular registration
REVIEW OF ELECTION FORMS Absentee Ballot Register Ballots – numbered and perforated List of all Voters Poll Book/Register – supplied by county (electronic?) Election Judges Oath forms (in poll book?) Polling Site Forms
“OTHER” ELECTIONS Formally known as Special Elections Bond Elections Technology Elections Levy Reserve Elections Follow same timelines as in regular elections – Changes - Technology levies / requirements
Nicole Thuotte – OPI (406) Noreen Anderson – Hellgate Elementary (406) Judy Ward – Harrison Schools (406) Lora Tauck – Ekalaka Schools (406) Betty Brumwell – Dutton/Brady Schools (406)