Desktop Integration with the Appx Client
Launch Documents Run Desktop Programs Transfer Files to the Client Transfer Files from the Client Client-Side Printing Integration Tools:
Desktop Integration with the Appx Client Initiated from server application Initiated programmatically Target must be visible from Client Application continues running Option to have application pause Uses file association on Windows Launch Documents:
Desktop Integration with the Appx Client Initiated from server application Initiated programmatically Target must be visible from Client Application continues running Option to have application pause Can use command line arguments Run Desktop Programs:
Desktop Integration with the Appx Client Initiated from server application Initiated programmatically Client file can be user selected Application waits for transfer Binary transfer only Transfer Progress Indicator Transfer Files to Client:
Desktop Integration with the Appx Client Initiated from server application Initiated programmatically Client file can be user selected Application waits for transfer Binary transfer only Transfer Progress Indicator Transfer Files from Client:
Desktop Integration with the Appx Client Initiated automatically by server Uses server Form & Printer options User can select local printer options Works on Windows & Unix clients Printer must be visible to client Client-Side Printing:
Desktop Integration with the Appx Client Questions?