Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 5. Inverse, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5.4 Logarithmic Function Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.
Logarithmic Functions The exponential function given by for f (x) = ax for 0 < a < 1 or a > 1 is one-to-one. Hence, f has an inverse function f –1. This inverse of the exponential function with base a is called the logarithmic function with base a and is denoted by loga.
Logarithmic Functions Its values are written loga (x) or loga x, read “the logarithm of x with base a.” Since, by the definition of an inverse function f –1, y = f –1(x) if and only if x = f (y), the definition of loga may be expressed as follows. Note that the two equations in the definition are equivalent. We call the first equation the logarithmic form and the second the exponential form.
Logarithmic Functions You should strive to become an expert in changing each form into the other. The following diagram may help you achieve this goal. Observe that when forms are changed, the bases of the logarithmic and exponential forms are the same.
Logarithmic Functions The number y (that is, loga x) corresponds to the exponent in the exponential form. In words, loga x is the exponent to which the base a must be raised to obtain x. This is what people are referring to when they say “Logarithms are exponents.”
Logarithmic Functions The following illustration contains examples of equivalent forms. Illustration: Equivalent Forms Logarithmic form Exponential form log5 u = 2 52 = u logb 8 = 3 b3 = 8 r = logp q pr = q w = log4 (2t + 3) 4w = 2t + 3 log3 x = 5 + 2z 35 + 2z = x
Logarithmic Functions The next example contains an application that involves changing from an exponential form to a logarithmic form.
Example 1 – Changing exponential form to logarithmic form The number N of bacteria in a certain culture after t hours is given by N = (1000)2t. Express t as a logarithmic function of N with base 2. Solution: N = (1000)2t given isolate the exponential expression change to logarithmic form
Logarithmic Functions The following general properties follow from the interpretation of loga x as an exponent.
Logarithmic Functions The reason for property 4 follows directly from the definition of loga, since if y = loga x, then x = ay, or The logarithmic function with base a is the inverse of the exponential function with base a, so the graph of y = loga x can be obtained by reflecting the graph of y = ax through the line y = x.
Logarithmic Functions This procedure is illustrated in Figure 1 for the case a > 1. Figure 1
Logarithmic Functions Note that the x-intercept of the graph is 1, the domain is the set of positive real numbers, the range is , and the y-axis is a vertical asymptote. Logarithms with base 0 < a < 1 are seldom used, so we will not emphasize their graphs. We see from Figure 1 that if a > 1, then loga x is increasing on (0, ) and hence is one-to-one.
Logarithmic Functions When using this theorem as a reason for a step in the solution to an example, we will state that logarithmic functions are one-to-one. In the following example we solve a simple logarithmic equation—that is, an equation involving a logarithm of an expression that contains a variable.
Logarithmic Functions Extraneous solutions may be introduced when logarithmic equations are solved. Hence, we must check solutions of logarithmic equations to make sure that we are taking logarithms of only positive real numbers; otherwise, a logarithmic function is not defined.
Example 3 – Solving a logarithmic equation Solve the equation log6 (4x – 5) = log6 (2x + 1). Solution: log6 (4x – 5) = log6 (2x + 1) (4x – 5) = (2x + 1) 2x = 6 x = 3 given logarithmic functions are one-to-one subtract 2x; add 5 divide by 2
Example 3 – Solution Check x = 3 LS: log6 (4 3 – 5) = log6 7 cont’d Check x = 3 LS: log6 (4 3 – 5) = log6 7 RS: log6 (2 3 + 1) = log6 7 Since log6 7 = log6 7 is a true statement, x = 3 is a solution.
Logarithmic Functions When we check the solution x = 3 in Example 3, it is not required that the solution be positive. But it is required that the two expressions, 4x – 5 and 2x + 1, be positive after we substitute 3 for x. If we extend our idea of argument from variables to expressions, then when checking solutions, we can simply remember that arguments must be positive.
Example 5 – Sketching the graph of a logarithmic function Sketch the graph of f if f (x) = log3 x. Solution: We will describe three methods for sketching the graph. Method 1: Since the functions given by log3 x and 3x are inverses of each other, we proceed as we did for y = loga x in Figure 1; that is, we first sketch the graph of y = 3x and then reflect it through the line y = x. Figure 1
Example 5 – Solution cont’d This gives us the sketch in Figure 2. Note that the points (–1, 3–1), (0, 1), (1, 3), and (2, 9) on the graph of y = 3x reflect into the points (3–1, –1), (1, 0), (3, 1), and (9, 2) on the graph of y = log3 x. Figure 2
Example 5 – Solution Method 2: cont’d Method 2: We can find points on the graph of y = log3 x by letting x = 3k, where k is a real number, y = log3 x = log3 3k = k Using this formula, we obtain the points on the graph listed in the following table.
Example 5 – Solution cont’d This gives us the same points obtained using the first method. Method 3: We can sketch the graph of y = log3 x by sketching the graph of the equivalent exponential form x = 3y.
Logarithmic Functions Logarithms with base 10 are called common logarithms. The symbol log x is used as an abbreviation for log10 x, just as is used as an abbreviation for . The natural exponential function is given by f (x) = ex. The logarithmic function with base e is called the natural logarithmic function.
Logarithmic Functions The symbol ln x (read “ell-en of x”) is an abbreviation for loge x, and we refer to it as the natural logarithm of x. Thus, the natural logarithmic function and the natural exponential function are inverse functions of each other.
Example 10 – Solving a simple logarithmic equation Find x if (a) log x = 1.7959 (b) ln x = 4.7 Solution: (a) Changing log x = 1.7959 to its equivalent exponential form gives us x = 101.7959. Evaluating the last expression to three-decimal-place accuracy yields x 62.503.
Example 10 – Solution cont’d (b) Changing ln x = 4.7 to its equivalent exponential form gives us x = e4.7 109.95.
Logarithmic Functions The following chart lists common and natural logarithmic forms The last property for natural logarithms allows us to write the number a as eln a, so the exponential function f (x) = ax can be written as f (x) = (eln a)x or as f (x) = ex ln a. Many calculators compute an exponential regression model of the form y = abx.
Logarithmic Functions If an exponential model with base e is desired, we can write the model y = abx as y = aex ln b. Illustration: Converting to Base e Expressions 3x is equivalent to ex ln 3 x3 is equivalent to e3 ln x 4 2x is equivalent to 4 ex ln 2
Logarithmic Functions Figure 9 shows four logarithm graphs with base a > 1. Note that for x > 1, as the base of the logarithm increases, the graphs increase more slowly (they are more horizontal). Figure 9
Logarithmic Functions This makes sense when we consider the graphs of the inverses of these functions: y = 2x, y = ex, y = 3x, and y = 10x. Here, for x > 0, as the base of the exponential increases, the graphs increase faster (they are more vertical). The next example illustrate application of common and natural logarithms.
Example 11 – The Richter scale On the Richter scale, the magnitude R of an earthquake of intensity I is given by where I0 is a certain minimum intensity. (a) If the intensity of an earthquake is 1000I0, find R. (b) Express I in terms of R and I0.
Example 11 – Solution (a) = log 1000 = log 103 = 3 given let I = 1000I0 cancel l0 1000 = 103 log 10x = x for every x
Example 11 – Solution cont’d From this result we see that a tenfold increase in intensity results in an increase of 1 in magnitude (if 1000 were changed to 10,000, then 3 would change to 4). (b) given change to exponential form multiply by l0
Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. 5. Inverse, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5.4 Logarithmic Function Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.