Chapter 4 Test Format and Material 23 questions (100 points) Material covers 4-1 Exponential Functions, Growth and Decay 4-2 Inverses of Functions and Relations 4-3 Logarithmic Functions 4-4 Properties of Logarithms 4-5 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities 4-6 The Natural Base, e 4-7 Transforming Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 4-8 Curve Fitting with Exponential and Logarithmic Models
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives 1.Students should be able to… tell whether a given exponential function shows decay or growth and justify their answer. (p. 238: 7-9)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives 2.Students should be able to… use the formula for growth or decay by a constant percent to set up a model and use it to answer questions. (pp : 10, 11, 15, 17, 21, 28)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 3.write the inverse of a function. (p. 246: 20-28)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives 4.Students should be able to… a.graph a relation given a table of points. b.write a table of points for the inverse and then graph the inverse (p. 245: 18-19)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 5.convert a logartihmic or exponential equation to the other form. (p. 253: 17-24)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 6.use the change of base formula to rewrite a logarithmic expression in terms of a specified base, then evaluate. (p. 260: 17, 18, 34)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 7.use properties of logarithms to simplify logarithmic expressions. (pp : 26-31, 40-45)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 8.solve exponential and logarithmic equations algebraically. (p. 270: 21-26, 28-33)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 9.simplify expressions involving e and natural logarithms. (p. 278: 17-20)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 10. use the formula for continuously compounded interest to set up a model and use it to answer questions. (p. 278: 21)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives 11.Given a transformation of an exponential or logarithmic function (like ), students should be able to… a.find the asymptote. b.state the domain and range. c.find the intercepts. d.describe the transformation. (p. 286: 16-27, 38, 39)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 12. determine whether a set of numbers can be described with an exponential function and if so, find the common ratio. (p. 292: 8-11)
Chapter 4 Test Performance Objectives Students should be able to… 13. use exponential or logarithmic regression to model a data set and use the model to answer questions. (p. 293: 12-14)
Chapter 4 Test Review Chapter 4 Test Practice Problems
Preparing for the Chapter 4 Test You should look over the homework assignments for the chapter. You should make sure you understand what responses are expected for the problems specified in this review. Program any formulas you want to use in the memory of your calculator. Know the transformation effects of additive constants, multiplicative constants & sign changes! You should NOT show up tomorrow without having prepared at all for this test! You should get a good night’s sleep tonight and eat a good breakfast tomorrow morning.
Keys To Being Successful On Tests In Honors Algebra II / Trigonometry Prepare effectively. Read and follow directions carefully! Show work to justify your answers.