There is no real facts on who discovered iron but it was believed to have been first discovered by the Egyptians in 4000 B.C. The widespread use of this element led to the period in world history known as the Iron age.
Iron is a relatively abundant element in the universe. The sun and many types of stars contain iron in quantity. Iron is found native in a class of meteorites known as siderites and it is a minor constituent of the other two classes of meteorites. The Earth's core is thought to be composed mainly of iron, with about 10% occluded hydrogen. Iron is the fourth most abundant element in the Earth's crust. The most common iron ore is hematite (Fe2O3), from which iron metal is obtained by reduction with carbon. Iron is also found in minerals such as taconite and magnetite, which is commonly seen as black sands along beaches and stream banks.
Iron has many uses being, the most common metal in today's society. -Making cars, trucks, and vans -Making steel -Making building supports -Making airplanes -Making Warships( Picture From the Front Page is a Destroyer) -Making Ships( Fishing and Trade) -Making office supplies (staples, nails, and paper clips) -Making computers -Making furniture
Iron is a metal extracted mainly from the iron ore hematite. It oxidises readily in air and water to form Fe2O3 and is rarely found as a free element. In order to obtain elemental iron, oxygen and other impurities must be removed by chemical reduction. The properties of iron can be modified by alloying it with various other metals and some non-metals, notably carbon and silicon to form steels.
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