1 and Internet Safety The internet is a vastly growing research tool that offers insight to the world in which we live. Through the internet we are able to make connections and learn more about our world. Although there are positives of using the internet, there are also negatives. Provided below are and Internet Safety tips that if carried out properly can promote a cyber-safe society. When using your , change your password often. - When creating a password, use alphanumeric characters. Make sure to properly log in and out of your during each use. Do not open an from a person that you do not know. - Any s received from unrecognizable senders should be placed in the “junk” also known as SPAM folder. Do not post your on the internet. Ask permission from parents and teachers when there is “useful” information that can be downloaded. Keep personal information private. If there is anything that you observe or that makes you uncomfortable, please inform your parent or teacher. Do not post anything on the internet that you would not feel comfortable with your parents and teachers seeing.
2 Classroom rules for cell phones -Classroom Rules for cellphone: Cell phones are not allowed at school. If a student has a cell phone it must be powered off and stored away in their backpack or purse. If a phone is seen or heard it will be immediately confiscated and the parent/guardian will have to come and pick it up. ( 2014)
3 Classroom Computer Rules 1. Always have clean hands. 2. Only visit teacher approved websites. 3. Do not print without permission. 4. Avoid pop-ups and downloads. (warn the teacher if something comes up) 5. Always exit the screen before leaving. 6. Make sure the computer area is clean. ( )
4 Technology Use Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide rules and guidelines for the use of technology in the school. Technology includes: computers, Ipads, wireless access, internet access, printing devices, cellphones, and any communication tools provided by the school. Acceptable Guidelines: Technology will be used for the purpose of research, education, and school-related assignments. All users must respect the shared use of the technology. The school has the right to take away if not respected. Student use must be monitored by the school. It must relate to the school curriculum. Any abuse of the hardware or software should be reported to the school’s system operator. Unacceptable Use: Violating any state or federal law. Examples: viewing harmful materials, pornography, etc. Using another’s account username or password information. Using profanity, false statements, harassing, or bullying of any kind. Not obeying copyright laws. Install unauthorized software, etc. Consequences: Disciplinary actions: loss of technology use, parental contact, suspension. Violations will be reported to the school, school board, and law enforcement. (Portland Public Schools, 2014) ( )