Rules of Engagement Mark Dwyer
AGENDA 1.Spam and Consent 2.Privacy 3.Advice Warnings and Notices 4.Disclosures 5.Other Matters
SPAM AND CONSENT “Well there's egg and bacon; egg, sausage and bacon; egg and spam; egg, bacon and spam; egg, bacon, sausage and spam; spam, bacon, sausage and spam; spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam; spam, spam, spam, egg and spam; spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam; or lobster thermidor aux crevettes, with a mornay sauce garnished with truffle paté, brandy and a fried egg on top and spam.”
Spam Spam Act: prohibits sending of unsolicited commercial electronic messages – including , SMS, MMS, IM – where 3 key requirements have not been met 1.Consent 2.Identify 3.Unsubscribe A single e-message can be spam – doesn’t have to be sent to numerous addressees to be considered spam Spam filters – trigger words
Identify and Unsubscribe Identify: must contain accurate information about the person or organisation that authorised the sending of the message and how to contact them Unsubscribe: Message must contain a functional Unsubscribe facility to allow the recipient to opt out of receiving future messages. Unsubscribe requests must be honoured within 5 days – PPP*
Consent Express consent Filling in a form, ticking a box on a website, over the phone #, face-to-face – as long as the recipient is clearly aware he or she may receive commercial e-messages in the future Cannot send an e-message to seek consent > spam Inferred consent Through an existing business relationship – PPP Conspicuous publication of a work-related e-address. BUT your message must relate directly to that person’s line of work Business cards – be cautious
Consent - PPP The person/business that caused the message to be sent is legally responsible for proving that consent exists i.e. PPP subscribers PPP as the message sender is also legally responsible if consent has not been obtained Purchased address lists: purchaser’s responsibility to ensure consent – be cautious; suggest you don’t purchase the list unless consent can be proven
Spam - Takeaways Consent, Identify, Unsubscribe Categorise or tag your client data base to reduce risk of unsubscribes by not sending irrelevant campaigns > “Know Your Clients” Clients -v- Contacts Personalise messages Responses to a campaign that come from non-clients eg: where a client has on-forwarded a message to Facebook friends Trigger words
Privacy “Theory” Privacy Act 1988 National Privacy Principles (Australian Privacy Principles 2014) Personal information, Sensitive information Collection, use and disclosure of personal information Storage / security of personal information Data quality > correct errors > marketing 101 Openness and access NPP 2 – Use and Disclosure, Direct Marketing
Privacy in Practice - PPP Your and your clients’ “reasonable” expectations about how their personal information is collected used, disclosed, stored Security of client lists held within PPP PPP disclosure – the Welcome NO SURPRISES for the client INFORM clients > allow them to choose Privacy Statement on PPP campaign messages as necessary, especially where clients are invited to click through to a third party
Privacy: Your privacy is important and [NAME OF FIRM] has not provided any personal information about you to [THIRD PARTY]. [THIRD PARTY] will only obtain your personal information if you purchase a product from them. Privacy and Consent: Your privacy is important and [NAME OF FIRM] has not provided any personal information about you to [THIRD PARTY]. By clicking the link above and submitting the enquiry form, you give your consent for a representative of [THIRD PARTY] to contact you, which may result in [THIRD PARTY] or its representative collecting personal information about you.
Advice Warnings and Notices
Advice Warnings Financial products – general advice warning “This information is general in nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider these factors together with the [NAME OF PRODUCT] Product Disclosure Statement before deciding whether to acquire the product mentioned here. acts as a referrer only and does not make any recommendation or give any opinion about this product.”
Other Notices Professional advice – general warning: “This information is general in nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any advice in this communication you should contact [NAME OF FIRM] to review whether it is appropriate to your objectives, financial situation and needs.” Professional / License Disclosures XYZ Financial Services Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative (corporate authorised representative no ) and Credit Representative (corporate credit representative no ) of MoneyBags Financial Group Pty Ltd AFSL Limited Liability Schemes – accountants, lawyers
No surprises to clients No opening for a complaint If there is a referral fee, commission or other incentive involved, disclose it Good practice – even if not required by law [NAME OF FIRM] acts as a referrer only and does not make any recommendation or give any opinion about this product. If you purchase a product from [THIRD PARTY], Platinum Partner Program will receive a commission of 20% (plus GST) of the purchase price, of which 16% is passed onto [NAME OF FIRM].
OTHER MATTERS Acknowledgement of source material eg: technical articles in client newsletters Complaint from a client Respond promptly, advise each other (you and PPP)