Harvesting & Storing Forages
What factors determine time to harvest forage?
Balance between quality and yieldBalance between quality and yield Weather conditionsWeather conditions -rain leaches nutrients -rain leaches nutrients
How is forage quality determined?
Physical Appearance Visual AppearanceVisual Appearance ColorColor Odor (pleasant)Odor (pleasant)
Chemical Analysis Protein ContentProtein Content Fiber ContentFiber Content DigestibilityDigestibility Lignin ContentLignin Content
When should forages be harvested?
Harvest before the crop is fully matureHarvest before the crop is fully mature
What methods are used to harvest forages?
Dry Hay Systems
Square BalesSquare Bales Round BalesRound Bales HaystackHaystack Field CubesField Cubes
High Moisture Systems Green ChoppedGreen Chopped Haylage (40-60%)Haylage (40-60%) Silage (60-70%)Silage (60-70%)
Special Forage Processing Systems Stationary CubersStationary Cubers Pelleting MachinesPelleting Machines
Causes of Deterioration Harvest (late or early)Harvest (late or early) Bailing (wet / too dry)Bailing (wet / too dry) Improper storageImproper storage
How can forage deterioration be prevented ?
Proper harvest time, methods, and moisture contentProper harvest time, methods, and moisture content Maintain storage facilitiesMaintain storage facilities
What are the basic storage requirements of forages?
Dry Hay Weather protectionWeather protection Pest protectionPest protection Adequate ventilationAdequate ventilation
Silage / Haylage Weather protectionWeather protection Pest protectionPest protection Air tight facilityAir tight facility
Silage / Haylage Convenient for filling, emptying, monitoring, & cleaningConvenient for filling, emptying, monitoring, & cleaning
What are ways to improve field drying?
Swath dryingSwath drying Windrow dryingWindrow drying ConditioningConditioning Chemical additivesChemical additives