WEST BENGAL- LEADERSHIP POSITION 1 st position in - Rice, Jute, Brinjal, Cauliflower, Cabbage & Pineapple 2 nd position in - Potato & Litchi 7 th position in - Fruits
STRENGTHS Comprehensive land reforms. Vibrant 3-tier Panchayati Raj System. High acreage (more than 93% of available land is under cultivation). 4 cropping seasons for growing wide varieties of crop round the year: Pre-Kharif Kharif Rabi Rabi-Summer-Boro Balance use of NPK : 2.3:1.3:1 (Best in the Country). Well knit input distribution net work retail outlets in villages.
CONSTRAINTS Cloudy sky and few sunshine hours during Kharif season. Short and relatively non-persistent Winter spell. Vast areas of North Bengal (approx. 27% ) under severe micro- nutrient stress. Natural calamites (Flood, Drought & Cyclone) are regular phenomenon. Several districts are drought prone – Bankura, Purulia, West Medinipur & Part of Burdwan &Birbhum. (Erratic rain fall and very low productivity).
ANNUAL GROWTH RATE OF YIELD (%) YearRiceWheatPulsesOilseedsJutePotato N.B.: Area, Production and yield rate figures of different crops corresponding to base year are actually the triennium average of three years, namely, , and Area, production and yield rate figures for the years and are year wise targets
CURRENT STATUS OF PRODUCTIVITY IN THE STATE VIS-À-VIS NATIONAL LEVEL CropMaximum Yield at National Level * Average Yield at National Level ** Yield gap at National level Maximum Yield at State Level ** Average Yield at State Level ** Yield gap at State level Rice Wheat Pulses Oilseeds Potato Jute13.76 #11.71 # ( Yield rate in Kg/ha. Jute – bales/ ha) * Based on two years average ; ** Based on three years average ( ); # Including Mesta
AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN EASTERN REGION - OVERALL STRATEGY AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN EASTERN REGION - OVERALL STRATEGY Bringing 172 below average productivity blocks to state average productivity level. Enhancing 2.5% per annum of remaining 153 blocks.
COMPONENTS OF STRATEGY Enhancing Seed Replacement Rate (SRR) Enhancing irrigation potential Repair, renovation and restoration of existing derelict water bodies Extension, modernization, repair & renovation of minor-irrigation sources Land & Water Management Waste Land Management Rain Water Harvesting Emphasis on farm mechanization in small and marginal holdings Soil management Integrated Nutrient Management Special emphasis on organic manure Addressing micro-nutrient deficiency Leguminous crops in cropping sequence Crop diversification Encouraging intercropping/mixed cropping
CropTypePresent Status (in%) ( ) Enhanced Status (in %) ( ) Cereals RiceHYV Local Hybrid WheatHYV100 MaizeHYV40- Hybrid60100 PulsesHYV60100 Local40- OilseedsHYV70100 Local30- TARGET FOR QUALITY SEEDS
Sl. No.ComponentsPresent status ( ) Projected status ( ) 1Irrigation potential (%)7285 2Cropping Intensity (%) Farm mechanization1.25 Kw/ha.2.50 Kw/ha. 4NPK consumption (Kg/ha.) TARGET FOR NPK CONSUMPTION (KG/HA.), IRRIGATION POTENTIAL (%), CROPPING INTENSITY (%) AND FARM MECHANIZATION
TARGET FOR CHANGE IN ACREAGE (Gross cropped area as a % of net cultivable area) CropPresent coverage ( ) Increase in coverage ( ) Change (%) Change in terms of area (ha.) Rice (-) 5.2(-) 2,79,453 Wheat ,993 Maize ,18,230 Pulses ,95,576 Oilseeds ,11,698
PROJECTED INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY CropCurrent Productivity (MT/ha.) ( ) Projected Productivity (MT/ha.) ( ) (%) Increase Rice Wheat Maize Pulses Oilseeds
PROJECTED INCREASE IN PRODUCTION Crop Production (Lakh MT.) (%) Increase in Production Current Production ( ) Projected Production ( ) Rice Wheat Maize Pulses Oilseeds
Sl. No. InterventionInvestment (Rs. in crore) 1Production & Distribution of Seeds (Hybrid & HYV) Creation of Minor Irrigation Facilities Conservation of Land & Water Resources Farm mechanization & Technology Dissemination Addressing problematic Soils across the State10.00 Total INVESTMENT PROPOSAL ( )