Let’s Discover Ohio Beth Hollinger ED
Ohio’s Social Studies Stands 1.American Heritage and People in Society 2.People in Societies 3.World Interactions 4.Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities 5.Democratic Processes 6.Decision Making and Resources 7.Science, Technology, and Society
Strand One: American Heritage & People in Society
Activities with the Web Students will be able to learn what everything on the Ohio Seal stands for and then they will create one for themselves. www2.cybernex.net/~vinnyp/ohpiom.htm www2.cybernex.net/~vinnyp/ohpiom.htm Students will read the text and create a time line of the information they have learned. Given a map of Ohio, the students will be able to use this web site to assist them in tracing how the African Americans used the Underground Railroad.
Activities with the Web Students will visit this interactive web site and learn about Native Americans while having fun. dex.html dex.html Students will get into groups, view this web page and answer a series of questions about Ohio’s Historical Indian Lifestyles.
Strand Two: People in Society
Activities with the Web ebChron/NorthAmerica/Adena.html ebChron/NorthAmerica/Adena.html Students will discover the Serpent Mound, create a mound of their own and tell why it was built and what it was used for.
Activities with the Web h.htm h.htm Students will visit this interactive web site to learn more about life in the village back in 1200 A.D.
Activities with the Web Students will choose a person from the “Famous Natives and Residents” list on the web site and do a research report on them. s/index.html s/index.html Students will choose a tribe and research it for an oral report. Students will look in the newspaper about a positive story on an African American. The article will be cut out and brought to school for class discussion.
Strand Three: World Interactions
Activities Create a bulletin board with as many different types of maps as possible. Have students watch the news or visit this web site and list all of the maps they see. Identify major landforms, bodies of water, the Poles, etc. by using a map. Students will use maps to answer regional questions about Ohio. Students will compare Ohio’s climate, vegetation, and resources with other bordering states.
Let’s visit the Web! nt/northamerica/country/ohio.html nt/northamerica/country/ohio.html
Strand Four: Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Activities with the Web Students will be able to read about voting and voice their opinions on-line. Students will read about citizenship rights when owning a pet.
Activities with the Web d-8.html d-8.html Students will read about voting qualifications and will design a poster to hang in the hallway. Students will research a county and tell about its government, attractions, schools, bicentennial barn, population, and history. This is a web page with an Ohio County Government Interactive Poster. Students will do the portion titled “Quiz Me”.
Strand Five: Democratic Processes
Activities with the Web 1.html 1.html Students will create a time line on Ohio’s Statehood by using this Web page. 2.html 2.html Students will create the flag shown on this Web page and write what the symbols mean on the back. 12.html 12.html Students will get into groups and each group will create a poster with one Ohio Fact for hallway display.
Activities with the Web d-10.html d-10.html Students will write their own test about Presidents that came from Ohio by using this Web page. mbols.html mbols.html Students will make a book of Ohio’s symbols by using the help of this Web page.
Strand Six: Decision Making and Resources
Activities Students will maintain their own budget for a week. Students will create illustrations that show how natural resources such as coal, iron, oil, and wood are used. Students will investigate what different crops grow in different climates and then they will make a pictorial presentation. Students will tell why Ohio’s resources are important. Students will choose a task and experiment to find the most efficient way of doing it.
Let’s visit the Web 99/decision.htm 99/decision.htm html html market market
Strand Seven: Science, Technology, and Society
Activities with the Web Students will take a field trip to COSI to learn science through a hands on approach.
Activities with the Web Students will explore parts of the body,meet various curious creatures, and check out a career through career connections all through this interactive Web Site.
Activities on the Web Students will be able to hook up to their favorite TV or radio science show, learn about the Nobel Prize, and see what’s in the “The Bad Bug Book.”
Activities with the Web Students will explore an on-line zoo in Ohio. Students can research the Ohio Science Museums to vote on which one to go to for a field trip. Students will discover the wonderful world of science with these wonderful tips and materials from the professionals.
My Conclusion Through all of these activities I hope my students will have a better understanding of what Social Studies is all about.