KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE, MUMBAI Self Development In the context of spirituality and a practical approach KARMAVEER BHAURAO PATIL COLLEGE, MUMBAI This course designed by uconnect@srcm.org Facilitator - Shubhada Nayak Class 5 – Philosophy of Yoga Brief Introduction to various types of yoga and integration of Values in Yoga Speaker - XXXX Date- August xxx, 2014 Facilitators and speakers are requested to go through the recorded class presentations kept in Uconnect FTP - 4.0_Execution/4.5 Course Material/4.5.2 Faculty/MALIBA /Modules
Opening Promoting a new philosophic attitude Creating a world with peace and harmony Improving social relations Yoga as a tool for self-development The facilitator to start off by recap of last class, discussion on responses on survey (if any), introduce the topic and the speaker. Facilitator also explains intent of the session as above.
Roots of Yoga With Sanskrit root 'yug', Yoga means to bind, join, unite It is the union of individual soul with the cosmic consciousness Yoga is referred to in ancient sacred books as the Vedas, Upanishads and in the Gita of the Mahabharata The speaker may make use of yoga jokes in their talk available at Uconnect FTP- 4.0_Execution/4.5 Course Material/4.5.3 Students/Chennai 1 (16 sessions)/Modules/3. Yoga/Yoga 2 General instruction for the speaker – Since the topic is serious and heavy, request speakers to make it as light and lively as possible for the students to enjoy and learn. Introduction to yoga and its roots.
Roots of Yoga Patanjali was world's first psychiatrist to recognize the need for education of the conscious and subconscious mind He compiled the Yoga-Sutras - aphorisms on mind showing how to control and have complete mastery Scholars believe he has lived between 200 BC and 200 AD. Some believe he may have lived before 5000 BC. Introduction to yoga and its roots.
Yoga system of Patanjali The Yoga system of Patanjali has eight steps: Four steps are related to physical Yama – abstention from harming others, from falsehood, from theft, from incontinence, and from greed; Niyama- observance of purity, contentment, mortification, self study, devotion to God; Asanas- postures; Pranayama- control of the breath;
Yoga system of Patanjali The Yoga system of Patanjali has eight steps: The next four relate to mental and spiritual Pratyahara- withdrawal of the mind from the senses and external objects; Dharana- concentration, or fixing the mind; Dyana – meditation on the goal Samadhi – perfect balance as in the spiritual condition of absolute or bliss
A Yogi Only a purified mind, a mind free from desires, can engage itself in constant meditation on the Atman All the lower impulses of the body, mind and senses must be controlled by the power of the higher Self He sees inwardly that there is no difference between gold and stone, between friends and enemies, between the righteous and the unrighteous He is perfectly harmonised The speaker may read more of Bhagwad Gita Chapter 6.. Chapter 6 Yoga of Mediation – The Gita
Various Types of Yoga Physical – Hatha Yoga Spiritual Kriya Yoga Karma Yoga Gyana Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga A good compilation of various types of yoga is given here: http://www.slideshare.net/drshama65/four-streams-of-yogappt This is for the speaker not for the class. So it is not available in Uconnect FTP. This can be seen separately.
Hatha Yoga Asana and Pranayama Discipline Better health Better mind Needs proper guidance, training and practice
Kriya Yoga The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. Paramahansa Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One half-minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment
Karma Yogi Arjuna wants to know conclusively which is superior, the path of action or the path of renunciation of action The Lord says that both the paths lead to the highest goal of God-realisation. In both cases the final realisation of the Atman is the aim, but the path of Karma Yoga is superior The Karma Yogi is one who is aware of the Atman and who is constantly engaged in action knows that although the intellect, mind and senses are active, he does not do anything He dedicates all his actions to the Lord and thus abandons attachment, ever remaining pure and unaffected. Chapter 5 Yoga of Renunciation of Action – The Gita
Gyana Yoga Path of Real Knowledge Rational – Suitable for Bhuddha types Questions everything in life and its purpose Realizes all miseries are caused by not knowing one’s true nature Realize the truth by meditation and developing discrimination
Bhakti Yoga The path of devotion is easier than the path of Knowledge In the path of devotion the aspirant develops loving relationship with the Lord, adores Him, remembers Him and chants His glories and Name He thus effects union with the Lord and attains not only His formless aspect but also the Lord He should offer all his actions to the Lord, abandoning the desire for their fruits The devotee who surrenders himself to the Lord attains perfect peace Chapter 12 Yoga of Devotion - The Gita
The Raja Yoga King of Yogas Uses the mind to focus on an ideal to become that ideal The essential thing is to fix the mind on the Lord and dedicate everything unto Him—one’s body, mind, actions, emotion and will Experiential knowledge and growing self discipline Chapter 9 Yoga of Kingly Science & The Kingly Secret
Reason + Discipline (Experiential Knowledge) + Faith Natural Path SELF GOAL Bhakti Yoga Karma Yoga Raja Yoga Reason + Discipline (Experiential Knowledge) + Faith
Ultimate meaning of yoga SELF GOAL Behaviour The speaker must relate the practice of yoga to this slide and its day to day application in values, attitudes, behavior and the choosing of Real goal. Which is to realize the SELF is God like… the real meaning and purpose of yoga. Attitudes Values Aligning Values, Goals with the nature of real Self
Conclusive Remarks There are problems everywhere – southern countries grapple with unemployment, poverty etc. The northern countries have issues with drug addiction, alcoholism, social unrest etc. To have the world at peace, under these circumstances, it is not enough to preach peace However, changing people from within through practice of Yoga, will possibly create a better world where peace and harmony will prevail – -Katharina Schneider Faillace and Costantino Faillace, Ph.D Explain this quote. The speaker signs off, inviting facilitator to close the session.
In Closing Regular reminders Next week: Art of Meditation Don’t forget to bring your diaries Write down keywords, key concepts and also your own self discovery observations both in the class exercises and also otherwise Meditate twice daily 10 + minutes – same place, same time Next week: Art of Meditation This is for the facilitator.