CGS 2100:0026 Project 2 By: Jacqueline Gabel
Publically Traded Computer Hard/Software Companies Jack Henry & Associates Latronix Gateway
Jack Henry & Associates Provides integrated computer systems to banks Offers system solutions to improve customers’ management
JKHY revenues Revenues increased 2% to $94 million during the months of June through September 2002 Increased revenues reflect high demand in software licensing and installation
JKHY Product Systems Core processing systems Item imaging, retrieval and storage systems Internet banking systems EFT solutions
Latronix Designs, develops, and markets solution software and network hardware Products allow electronic devices to be accessed and configured over the Internet
LTRX Products Multiport Device Servers Protocol stacks Device drivers Application protocol interfaces Print server products
LTRX Revenues Revenues decreased 20% to 12.7 million during the months of June, July, August, and September 2002 Decrease in revenues reflect a drop in Multiport Device Server product sales
Gateway Directly markets PC’s and related products and services Products are marketed to individuals, families, small to large businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions
GTW Revenues Revenues fell 37% to $3.11 billion during the months of June, July, and August 2002 Results reflect a decline in consumer unit sales
GTW Products Desktop computers Notebook computers Digital TV’s Printers Scanners Cameras