GET UP, GET MOVING QUIZ Welcome to my Get up, get moving quiz. This quiz will be targeted for year olds. I will be asking questions about both male and females. The type of questions that I will be asking will be for your difficulty. There will be options underneath the questions, if you got the question right you’ll move on but if you’ve got the question wrong you’ll go back. There will be links about the topics, if you are interested about finding out more, please feel free to use them. To continue to the first question click here. Enjoy.
Question 1 What is a calorie? A)Two units of energy.Two units of energy. B)Three units of energyThree units of energy C) Four units of energyFour units of energy
Correct! Well done! A calorie is 2 units of energy! Question 2 To find out more about Calories, click on the link below. tive&tbo=u&q=calorie&tbs=dfn:1&sa=X& ei=PL24UNjDOcOKhQfvzIC4BQ&ved=0CC 0QkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=3d9e 32c4dd94698&bpcl= &biw=128 0&bih=902
Incorrect! Try again! Think very clearly about your answer. Don’t forget to read the question. Back to Question 1
Question 2 How many calories should men your age have a day? A)2,5502,550 B)2,8002,800 C)
Correct! Well done! Men your age should have 2,550 a day. To find out more about calories, follow the link below… alorie_intake.htm Question 3
Incorrect Unlucky Try again. Have another go, you might have been so close! Back to question 2
Question 3 How much exercise should women your age do a day? A)1- 1 and a 1/2 hours1- 1 and a 1/2 hours B) minutes20-30 minutes C)2-3 hours2-3 hours
Correct Well done Yes… Women your age should do at least 20 – 30 minutes of exercise a day. To find out more about exercise click on the link below.. hy_living/fitness/daily_howmuch.shtml hy_living/fitness/daily_howmuch.shtml Question 4
Incorrect Try again… Read the question carefully. Back to question 3
Question 4 How many calories should women your age have a day? A)2,000-3,5002,000-3,500 B) 1,500-2,1001,500-2,100 C) 1,800-2,4001,800-2,400
Correct Women your age should eat 1,500-2,100 calories a day. To find out more about calories, click on the following links below… oryid=51&subcategoryid=165 oryid=51&subcategoryid=165 Question 5
Incorrect Try again… Unfortunately this answer is wrong… Make sure you think about the question carefully and read the question properly. Back to question 4
Question 5 What does BMI stand for? A)Body Mass InformationBody Mass Information B)Body Mass IndexBody Mass Index C) Body Mass ImperialBody Mass Imperial
Correct Well done Yes… The correct answer is Body Mass Index. To find out more about Body Mass Index, go to the following link below; Question 6
Incorrect Unlucky…. Try Again Think about the answers and which sounds right or relates to the topic. Good luck. Back to Question 5
Question 6 How much fruit should you eat a day? A) 2 a day2 a day B) 7 a day7 a day C) 5 a day5 a day
Correct Excellent The amount of fruit you should be eating a day is 5. To find out more on Fruit and eating 5 a day; follow the link below… AYhome.aspx AYhome.aspx Move on.. Question 7
Incorrect How unlucky…. You was so close. Think about your answer before you submit. Please.. Try again. Good luck. Back to question 6
Question 7 What percentage of your body is made up of water? A)50%50% B)70%70% C)35%35%
Correct Well done, your body is made up of 70% water. If you are interested and would like to know more about the water and the body click the following link below… Final questionFinal question.
Incorrect Unlucky, please try again. Think about the water and how important it is for the body. Back to Question 7
FINAL QUESTION Question 8 Which one is correct for 5 a day? A)Orange, Kiwi, Pineapple, Apple and tomato's.Orange, Kiwi, Pineapple, Apple and tomato's B)Kiwi, carrot, peas, Orange, Nuts and Apples.Kiwi, carrot, peas, Orange, Nuts and Apples. C) Nuts, carrot, beans, orange and tomato's.Nuts, carrot, beans, orange and tomato's.
Correct Well done you got the final answer correct. Yes it is ‘Orange, Kiwi, Pineapple, Apple and tomato's.’ They’re all fruit. To find out more on 5 a day, click on the following link: AYhome.aspx AYhome.aspx To go on to the last slide.
Incorrect Try again… It’ll be a shame to not carry on when you’re on the last question. Back to question 8.
WELL DONE Thank you for completing the get up, get moving quiz. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope that the following links help you get more knowledge and help you in the future. Get up, get moving. No pain, no gain. Back to the start of the quiz.