Network parameter transformation
S-matrix conversion from Z-matrix
S-matrix property for Lossless network incident power reflected power Lossless network, incident power = reflected power Unitary matrix
Example 4.5 S-parameter 계산 Port 2가 matched load 로 termination된 경우 port 1의 return loss Port 2가 short되었을 때 port 1의 return loss.
Reciprocal network port N port M Port N에 전류원 Ix를 연결했을 때 port M에 전압 Vy가 측정되면 → Port M에 전류원 Ix를 연결했을 때 port N에 전압 Vy가 측정된다.
S-matrix property for Reciprocal network
A shift in reference planes
Generalized Scattering parameters Port별로 연결된 transmission line의 임피던스가 다른 경우
Vector network analyzer
4.4 Transmission (ABCD) parameter
Z-to-ABCD transform Reciprocal network인 경우
Example 4.6
Figure 4.12 (p. 188) A coax-to-microstrip transition and equivalent circuit representations. (a) Geometry of the transition. (b) Representation of the transition by a “black box.” (c) A possible equivalent circuit for the transition [6].
Figure 4. 23 (p. 199) Some common microstrip discontinuities Figure 4.23 (p. 199) Some common microstrip discontinuities. (a) Open-ended microstrip. (b) Gap in microstrip. (c) Change in width. (d) T-junction. (e) Coax-to-microstrip junction.
Properties of Z(ω) and Γ(ω) (A signal is a Real number function)
Equivalent voltage and current TEM인 경우 unique
Rectangular waveguide Z0 Figure 4.2 (p. 163) Electric field lines for the TE10 mode of a rectangular waveguide.
Example 4.2 Figure 4.3 (p. 167) Geometry of a partially filled waveguide and its transmission line equivalent for Example 4.2.
Electromagnetic energy and power flow Time averaged electric field energy stored in volume V Time averaged magnetic field energy stored in volume V Poynting theorem Circuit analogy V