CfAO Retreat: March 26, Review of Laser Guidestar Activity at LMCT
CfAO Retreat: March 26, AgendaAgenda Update on AODP –Phase 2 Objectives –Delay Issues –Fiber Testing –Waveguide Delivery / Performance –Schedule Looking Ahead Update on SFG Activities Brief update on GSK Update on AODP –Phase 2 Objectives –Delay Issues –Fiber Testing –Waveguide Delivery / Performance –Schedule Looking Ahead Update on SFG Activities Brief update on GSK
CfAO Retreat: March 26, Phase 2 Objectives Complete Relay Fiber Testing 1064 nm Power Milestone (83 W) – 2 Full Talbot-length WGs 1319 nm Power Milestone (69 W) – 3 Full Talbot-length WGs 589 nm Power Milestone (50 W) – Based on 30% conversion efficiency Complete Relay Fiber Testing 1064 nm Power Milestone (83 W) – 2 Full Talbot-length WGs 1319 nm Power Milestone (69 W) – 3 Full Talbot-length WGs 589 nm Power Milestone (50 W) – Based on 30% conversion efficiency
CfAO Retreat: March 26, AODP Delay Issues Waveguide deliveries: –The primary WG vendor has delivered over 12 WGs to specification that meet performance criteria –The primary WG vendor is now also meeting schedule. –Both bonded and epoxied WGs are performing Resources: –Both AODP and GSK has lost key personnel in the last 3 months –Due to the higher priority of GSK, Munib Jalali was pulled off of AODP –Jo Bellanca (Research Scientist) now working on AODP AODP Phase 2 scheduled to conclude in September Waveguide deliveries: –The primary WG vendor has delivered over 12 WGs to specification that meet performance criteria –The primary WG vendor is now also meeting schedule. –Both bonded and epoxied WGs are performing Resources: –Both AODP and GSK has lost key personnel in the last 3 months –Due to the higher priority of GSK, Munib Jalali was pulled off of AODP –Jo Bellanca (Research Scientist) now working on AODP AODP Phase 2 scheduled to conclude in September 2007.
CfAO Retreat: March 26, Relay Fiber Testing
CfAO Retreat: March 26, LMCT Relay Fiber Relay Fiber: 100 m Supplier – Crystal Fiber Type – 12.5 m MFD solid core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) Attenuation – < 8.5 dB/km NA = 0.04 Relay Fiber: 100 m Supplier – Crystal Fiber Type – 12.5 m MFD solid core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) Attenuation – < 8.5 dB/km NA = 0.04 SBS: P th = C B A eff / g B L eff
CfAO Retreat: March 26, Lens = 25.4 mm Half Waveplat e Setting (deg.) 50mm Stanfo rd PPSLT 589nm CW- Power (W) Crysta l Temp (deg. C) Output fiber Coupling efficienc y % % % % % % Fiber Attenuation:14% Fresnel Losses14% Coupling Losses:8% Expected:64% CW Testing – 50 mm Stanford Crystal Fiber length:100m Fiber attenuation:0.0085dB/m Linewidth:305MHz Fiber MFD:12.5micron SBS limit:3.34W
CfAO Retreat: March 26, mm Stanford PPSLT 589nm CW-Power (W) Crystal Temp (deg. C) Output fiber Coupling efficiency % % % % % % ML Testing – 50 mm Stanford Crystal 630 MHz, 430 ps pulses ML Testing – 50 mm Stanford Crystal 630 MHz, 430 ps pulses Fiber length:100m Fiber attenuation:0.0085dB/m Linewidth:630MHz Fiber MFD:12.5micron SBS limit:6.90W Fiber length:30m Fiber attenuation:0.0085dB/m Linewidth:630MHz Fiber MFD:12.5micron SBS limit:21.49W
CfAO Retreat: March 26, ConclusionsConclusions Improvements to be made with regards to Fresnel losses via AR coating and fiber losses via shorter fiber. No SRS observed in these experiements May have some SBS present at higher power levels, but we are right on the threshold Will continue tests once AODP setup is up and running again. Improvements to be made with regards to Fresnel losses via AR coating and fiber losses via shorter fiber. No SRS observed in these experiements May have some SBS present at higher power levels, but we are right on the threshold Will continue tests once AODP setup is up and running again.
CfAO Retreat: March 26, Sum Frequency Generation of 589 Sum Frequency Generation of 589
CfAO Retreat: March 26, Stanford Crystal Performance 50 mm PPSLT crystal Poling ranges from 10.6 – 10.9 um Several channels damaged at higher fluence levels ~ 21 J/cm 2 These were the um channels To be cautious, we increased spot size to ~ 100 um in order to avoid damage while still generating > 10 W. 50 mm PPSLT crystal Poling ranges from 10.6 – 10.9 um Several channels damaged at higher fluence levels ~ 21 J/cm 2 These were the um channels To be cautious, we increased spot size to ~ 100 um in order to avoid damage while still generating > 10 W.
CfAO Retreat: March 26, SFG Performance – Stanford 50 mm Crystal
CfAO Retreat: March 26, SFG Data vs Model
CfAO Retreat: March 26, ConclusionsConclusions Damage to Stanford crystal at higher fluence levels needs further investigation Will perform side-by-side test of Stanford, Deltronics, and PSI crystals Will work with vendors to understand damage mechanisms & how to correct. Damage to Stanford crystal at higher fluence levels needs further investigation Will perform side-by-side test of Stanford, Deltronics, and PSI crystals Will work with vendors to understand damage mechanisms & how to correct.