Final Closure and Reclamation Plan for Nanisivik Mine By Patrick Duxbury, Nunavut Water Board Mine Reclamation Coordinator
rao6]Xu4 mg/sizk5 x7ml nl7m3n3bsizk5 X6NAt5 Niy=4 s/C4ys6= 4 nN/z ]XgE4 b4{WsE kNK5 wmoEp5 vtmp5 s/C4ys6=4k5 nl7m3n3bsiq8k5 xsM5tp
Overview wlq8i4 ttC3ymJ5 Background to Final Plan Content of the Final Plan Proposed Review Public Hearing ckwoz4mzb rao3Xu4 X6NAt5 ttC3ymJ5 wloq5 rao6]Xu4 X6NAt5 WJmJbsJ5 euD/siq5 wko]mi4 xW6hwi6
Final Plan Background rao6]Xu4 X6NAt5 ckwoz4mzb CanZinco submitted initial Closure Plan in February, 2002 Nunavut Water Board hearing held in Arctic Bay in July, 2002 Nanisivik Mine closed in September, 2002 CanZinco required to re- submit Closure and Reclamation Plan under new water licence Final Plan submitted February 2004 v8p1ff5 giy9lt4 yK]o5 mg/sizk5 X6NAt5 =DxE kNK5 wmoEp5 vtmp5 xW6hwiq w4Wx6J4u JMw, Niy=4 s/C4ys6=4 mgJ6 ytWE, v8p1ff5 xgExc6g5 giyvi6i3u4 mg/sizk5 x7ml nl7m3nwi3j5 X6NAti4 mo4LQ5 k]b6 wm6j5 Mwnz rao6]X6 X6NA5 gi/sJ6
Content of Final Plan ttC6bq ]b2fx5 rao6]X5 X6NAt5 Covers Design Report Talik Investigation Report Quarries Report WTDA Spillway Design Report Rock Piles and Open Pits Closure Plan Monitoring Plan Environmental Site Assessment West Twin Disposal Area Closure Plan Underground Disposal Plan Landfill Closure Plan Main Document czkx3bsJ6 xe4ymiz gnZ4nox5 dxaq8iz cspn3bsiz gnZ4nox5 gxX4b3=sJ6 gnZ4nox5 f=5b6=sJu ]fQx6izk5 nN/sizk5 gnZ4nox5 s/c5 vtbsymJ5 x7ml kN2 czi wl5g6ym]i5 mg/siq8k5 X3Nst cspn3bsq8N3izk8 X6NAtq x?toEi6j5 n8N=4u cspn6iz f=5b6=zk5 mg/sizk5 X6NAt5 kNs5 wlxi x4b6=4n2 mg/sizk5 X6NAt5 kNu x4b6=4 mg/sizk5 X6NAt5 ttC3bE/z
WJm/sJ6 nl7m3n3bsizk5 ckwos3lt4 Proposed Reclamation Activities
West Twin Disposal Area (“WTDA”) f=3b3=sJ6 byoxEymJ6 Gf=3b3=4H
Reclamation Goal for WTDA nl3m3n3bsizk5 gCZsJ5 f=3b3=4j5 1.Minimize risk of acid rock drainage and metal leaching 2.Provide a safe environment that resembles natural conditions !.x5b3Nq5g4f5 hD3N3giq5 Njz0/w3lA s/Cgw8N3u5g5 x7ml n=4nsiq5 x?tzi4 wic3t5tlt4 wodyEMs3ym/zg5 xe4ymJu4
West Twin Disposal Area f=3b3=4
Reclamation Approach nl7m3n3bsli ckwozix3mz5 To provide a cover over tailings in Surface Cell/Test Cell To provide a stable water cover over tailings in the Reservoir czkx3ylt4 gxX4u4 f=3b3=sJj5 cspn3=sJk5 wmcw8N3tbsli czi f=3b3==i6 wu4f=sJu
Surface Cell Properties f=3b3=sJ5 cz Majority of surface cell is covered with thin shale layer Unfrozen area (“talik”) exists in Surface Cell CanZinco has investigated talik properties Freeze back of talik is expected, however deformations on the surface may occur 7-8 years to freeze down to base of dike years for complete freezing to bottom of lake xqi3nsJ6 gxXoExc3iz e3i3bu4 gxXc3g6 czi5g6 ~n5g6 dxaq8iz Gdx3ymq8izH czi Wbc3g6 s/C4yst5 Wdto5 cspn3ymJ5 dxD8Nqi8q5 ckt]Q3mzb dx6ixgw8NChQ/sJ6 dxD8Nq8iz, ryxi gxX4 cE/z xsM5/4ymgw8NExo4 &_* xCA5 dxCh4ix3g6 r4oz gxX4 c5t4yo3ymJ6 xCA5 dx3Ch4li w3czk5 tr9lA byoxEymJ6
]s4gC6bs=z co6gwi6j5 kNu Test Cell Area Talik exists under Test Cell due to water cover Test Cell is connected to Reservoir underneath dykes Deformations during freeze back are not likely dxaq8ic3g6 cspn3=symJ6 wmc3izk5 czi cspn3=sJ6 wmcstc3=4j5 x4gxJ6 c5t4yo3ymJ5 xbAz9li czi5g6 hC4X9oxZ/q5g6 dxClxDi
Reclamation of Surface and Test Cell Area nl7m3n3bsiz czk5 cspn3=4 1.Removal of residual surface water 2.Preparation of the tailings surface 3.Placement of 1.0m of shale 4.Placement of 0.25m of Twin Lakes sand & gravel 5.Installation of monitoring equipment !.wmw/6bsiz kN2 czi s/C6b6if5 x4bf5 f=5b6=zb ]cz #.wosc6iz ! ]ubu4 gxXox6u4 $.wosc6iz ]ubu4 g=8 by6u5 ysC6u4 x7ml gxXox6u4 %.wosc6iq cspnwnDbsix3g5 nN5Jt5
Surface Cell Spillway czb cspn3=s5 ]f4=4nz Required to permit water to flow from Surface Cell to Reservoir Designed to handle major flood events Lower portion constructed when Reservoir has been lowered Upper portion to be constructed after grading of Surface Cell wu3 f=J8NwN3tbsli cziz3g6 wuc3=4u5 nN/symJ6 cu3JxClxDi ckwJtQpxqbz Xbi8i3n6 nN/sixg6 wmc3=sJ6 wmwDt4v8iDi d9osi3n6 nN/six3g6 W/3bsMs3t9l cz
West Twin and Test Cell Dikes f=3b3=4u cspn3=4ul c5t4yo3ymJ5 x?lQ/z Will undergo monitoring to assess stability Will be sloped where necessary to provide extra stability Dike faces will be capped with at least 0.25 m of Twin Lakes sand and gravel WoE/six6 uxiE/sizk5 cspnZsizk5 hixMq5iz y=zic6tbsix6 xgExc6iqk5 Wbc6tbsN/6g5 hixMqXlAbsi4nzk5 nSbsJ2 cq coZsix5 ]ubu4 g=8 by6u5 ysCzi4 x7ml gxXox6u4
Reservoir / Polishing Pond wmc6=sJ6 F nlm6nw=4 byC6 Will be reclaimed by restoring the water level to natural outlet elevation (2m lower than present) Tailings will be relocated 1m below waterline to prevent oxidation or wave- action kba6tZsix6 st6t5lA ]b7N wmsZ6iz wodyzk5 ]ubu4 Sr5i6nst5lA ]mN S6gizi5H s/C4b6if5 x4bf5 k4tZsix5 ! ]ubu4 x]bk5 wm2 d]Mi5 yMu5 xyxa6bwomiqk5 x7ml xk]C6i6u5 moMe5b6izk5 x4gxMqt5lQ5
Reclamation of Reservoir / Polishing Pond nl7m3n3bsiz wmc6=sJ6 F nlm6nw=4 byC6 Reclamation of Reservoir / Polishing Pond nl7m3n3bsiz wmc6=sJ6 F nlm6nw=4 byC6 1.Lower water to 2 m below final water level 2.Relocate tailings from high spots and bank areas 3.Place rip rap cover at the tow of the dikes 4.Breach East Twin Lake access road to permit flood events 5.Breach dike to permit flood events 6.Remove outlet structure and build new channel 7.Construct lower section of the Spillway 8.Allow natural runoff to fill to pond ]ubj5 x]bk5 rao6]Xu4 W/3lQ5 S3gizi5g5 x7ml wl5g3ymJi5g5 #. w]{n /q5g6 x9oC3z wolA r4ozi5 gxX4 c5t4yo3ymJ6 $.hC4lA wMz f=3b3=4jxzJ5 x3dt bblx3li f=/z xdy3lA %.hC4lA x?lz gxX4 c5t4yo3ymJ6 ^.f=?9oxizk5 nNymJ6 W/3lA x7ml kbu4 x3dy3lA &.]xe4yli xb8i8i3nu4 f=izb x3dbi4 *.kNuz3g6 wu6 f4X9oxiz by3jxzlA
East Twin Lake wu3b3=4 by6 Fresh water pumping station will be removed Access road will be breached to permit flood events Diversion channel will be kept in place Wu3j5 u9lxDtz W/3bsli X3dtz hC4bsix3bz wMz bblxDtizk5 f=?9oxJ6 x3dy3lA xyxA4v8i6 f=tt5c5b3iz xg3bsq8N3ix3g6
Other Facilities xyq nNymJ5 Piping system will be removed and either sold or placed underground Emergency dump pond liners will be removed and gravel berms will be graded h9lxlw5 WoE5Jt5 xy?6bslt4 x7ml isDbslt4 s?l]i5 kN2 wlxkx6bslt4 gx=6N6gk5 f=5b6=sJ6 byc2 W/3bsli x7ml c5t4yo3ymJ5 gxXw5 cwc4bslt4
Water Quality wu6 cktQ3iz Water at outlet of the polishing pond will be tested during monitoring phase to assess reclamation effectiveness Company’s prediction indicate that water will remain close to natural conditions wu6 f=?9oxJ6 nl7m3nw=4u5 cspn3bsc5b3ix3g6 cspn3bsq8N3t9lA nl7m3n3bsiz xgtc5txClx3mz5 Nuic6g5 sc3ymJ5 wu6 wodyEMs3bzgq8N3ix 3izi4
Landfill Facility x4b6=4 wlxl
Reclamation Approach nl7m3nwi6j5 xg3Dm/q5 Cap landfill to permanently freeze waste materials in permafrost Monitor site after capping to assess water quality below landfill, ground temperatures and physical condition nslA x4b6=4 x4b3=4u5g9l dxaw8N3gj5 dxcystlt4 cspnw8N3lA ns/symo3t9lA cspNh4lA wus5 ckwo?9oxiz x4b3=s5 xt5txzi, miCs5 i4Mh4izx7ml ckwoziz
Reclamation of Landfill Facility nl7m3n3bsiz x4b6=4 Reclamation of Landfill Facility nl7m3n3bsiz x4b6=4 1.Relocate fuel contaminated soil to underground mine workings 2.Grade surface to build a gentle slope 3.Construct 1.95m thick shale cover 4.Construct 0.25m thick Twin Lakes sand and gravel layer 5.Groom the surface 6.Monitoring !.s3hxlDJc3iq5 miC3u5g5 gxXz W/3bsli kNs5 miCz y=z/5txo3t9lA #.nNlA !.(% ]ubu4 w2Jio4 gxX4 e3i3b6 cQlis4 $.nNlA ]ubu4 w2Jio4 ysC6 x7ml gxX4 %.cwc4n3lA cz ^. cspnEN3lA
Rock Pits and Open Pits s/C4b6=sifw5 x7ml vt5t=sifw5
Approach to Reclamation xg3bsJmJ6 nl7m3nwi6j5 Minimize the risk of acid- rock drainage; and Provide a safe environment that matches the natural conditions Waste rock is to be gathered and placed in open pits Covers similar to the landfill to be used Large quantities of waste rock already disposed of underground x5b3Nq5gf mq3gE?9oxiz s/Cgw8N6 xe4lA; x7ml x5b3Nq5gu4 wic3t5tot4 wodyEMs3bzg5 Wli x4bf5 s/c5 vtbs/c6S5 x7ml woscZslt4 wl5g6ymJj5 gxX4 cz x4b3=s5 xpQ/sli gxXzb x?bi5g5 xqJv9Mw5 s/Cgw8Nw5 kNs5 wlxkx3c3bsymo3g5
West Adit Area sxozzi wMQx6ymiz n8N=4 Includes: –West Open Pit –01S Portal Area –Rock piles –Road from the Industrial Complex wMc6g6: _ sxozzi kN2 czi wl5gymJ6 s/C4ys6=4 _ 01S kN2 wlxkx6b6=4 _ s/c5 vtbsym=z5 _x2d5 nN=sl4uz3g6 w[l6Jxu5
Reclamation of West Adit Area nl7m3n3bsiz sxozzi wMQx6ymiz n8N=4 1.Relocate waste rock from 09S rock pile to West Open Pit 2.Fill in West Open Pit with demolition debris 3.Relocate waste rock from 02S pile and place at north wall of West Open Pit 4.Build cover over buried materials in West Open Pit 5.Build a light vehicle road into the final surface –Note: Small quantity of material may be left due to safety risk !. k4tZsiz x4bf5 s/c5 b[?z5 09S s/c5 vtbsymizi b[Kz sxozzi kN2 czi wlgi6 sxozzi kN2 czi wlgi6 wA5tEi6j5 x4bfi4 #.k4tZsiq x4bf5 s/c5 b[?z5 09S vtbsymizi x7ml wosc6lQ5 b[Kz r]bi xrNzk5 ]b2hm sxozzi kN2 czi wlgi6 s/C4ys6=4j5 $.nNlA ns5Jtz ]b2fkz nsymJk5 hNk5 b[?i sxozzi kN2 czi wlgi6 s/C4ys6=4j5 %.nNlA sr6i6nk5 kN]fDt5 x2dt4nz bmsz rai6]Xu4 c4nzk5 _cspm/4n6: urJ5 xqiq hN5 hoZsN/6g5 W5JtQ2lQ5 Wi6lZ/6iz
East Adit Area wMQx6ymiz n8N=4 Includes: –East Open Pit –39N/S rock pile –East Trench wMc6g6: _ r?tzi kN2 czi wlgi6 s/C4ys6=4 _ 39N/S s/c5 vtymiq _ r?tzi wli6
Reclamation of East Adit Area nl7m3n3bsli r?tzi wMQx6ymiz n8N=4 1.Place approximately 4,500 m3 from the rock pile into the East Trench 2.Place remaining rock into the East Open Pit 3.Cover both areas with shale and sand/gravel cap 4.Provide for continued light vehicle transportation !.wosc6lA cizi $,%)) ]ub r4LNs/6gu4 b[?z5 s/c5 vtymizi5 b[Kz r?tzi xuxfq s/c5 wlxk5 r?tzi wlgi6 s/C4ys6=4j5 #.co6g6lQ5 bm5r4i4 n8N]=4 gxCox6u4 x7ml ysC6FgxX4u4 mglQ5 $.Wbc6t5lA xgwNst5izk5 se5i6nk5 kN]fDtk5 xsM5b6=sizk5
Oceanview bEsj5 bf4nsJ6 Remaining waste rock to be placed into pit Metal contaminated soil to be placed at portal Cover pit and portal with shale and sand and gravel cap xuxfq x4bf5 s/c6 woscZsix5 wl5g6ymJj5 n=4i4 hD6N6ic6g5 kN5 woscZsix5 kNjx6b6=zk5 co6bsli wlgi6 x7ml kNjx6b6=z gxXoxj5 x7ml yscj5 x7ml gxX4u4 mglA
K-Baseline K-wodyClxz Approximately 4,000m 3 of waste rock is on surface, this will be place in East Open Pit u4]ni $,))) ]ub r4L6Ns/6t5lA x4bf5 s/c5 kN2 cz]i5g5. bmfx5 woscZsix5 r?tzi kN2 czi wlgi6 s/C4ys6=4j5
Area 14 n8N=4 14 Large portion of waste rock has already been reclaimed Remaining material to be consolidated Shale/sand & gravel cover to be used xqJu4 x4bf5 s/ci4 k]ba6tZsb6ymo6g5 xuxfq hN5 vttZsN/6g5 gxXox6FysC6 x7ml gxX4 co6gDbsix3g6
Quarries s/C4b6]=5
During reclamation the following quarries are to be used: –Road Quarry –Landfill Quarry –Shale Hill –Mount Fuji –Area 14 –West Twin –East Twin –East/West Twin Delta After use, quarries will be cleaned of debris and graded xgZst5lA k]ba6tEi6 bmfx5 s/C4b6=sJ5 xgZsix5: _ x2dtk5 s/C4b6=4 _ kNu x4b6=4j5 s/C4b6=4 _ gxXoxo4 xr=z6 _ Niy=s2 r]zlz =s0p _ n8N=4 !$ _ sxozzi g=8 _ r?tzi g=8 _ r?tziFsxozzi g=8 miCz xgZsb6Xb, s/C4b6]=5 no4bslt4 x4bf6bqk5 x7ml mi4nZsix5
Industrial Structures n8N=sJ5 N2X6ymJ5
Industrial Complex n8N=sJ6 w[l6Jx]Cl4 Contains mill, power plant, maintenance shops, offices Building and equipment sold to Wolfden Resources Building materials and equipment will be sorted and shipped away or disposed of Concrete foundations to be cleaned and covered with shale/sand & gravel cover Wbo4 n=4nos6=4, wfmdtc6=4, n8N=4, x9M4]=5 w[l6Jx6 x7ml nN5Jt5 is=DbsJ5 K9}tx8 EhxY{fk5 w[l6Jx6 x7ml nN5Jtq x=4gZslt4 x7ml xsM6tbsix5 s?l]i5 x4bZslt4 s/es6ymJ5 gz=q no4bslt4 x7ml coZsix5 gxXox6FysC6 x7ml gxX4 co6gDtk5
ANFO Facility ANFO WoE=z The two buildings and 1000 L fuel tank will be dismantled, decontaminated and placed underground ] b2fx4 m9D4 w[l6Jx4 x7ml !))) ]ob s3hc6=4 cbs/6 wA5tZsix6, nlm6nZsli x7ml wo/sli kN2 wlxk5
Concentrate Storage Building n=4nk5 g5d6ym=4 w[l6Jx]Cl4 Includes truck weight scales, conveyors and ship loader Infrastructure has been purchased by Wolfden Resources Concrete floor to be swept clean and covered by 0.5m of shale and then graded wMo4 kN]fDt5 sdmw5iqk5 ]s4gCstu4, b2yxl4 n=4n5 x[/6g6=z x7ml sux6Jx5 syo6gDtz nNymJ5 is=6bq K9}tx8 Ehxy{f5 s/es6ymJ6 Ntz no4bsli x7ml co6bsix6 ).% ]ubu4 gxXox6u4 x7ml mi4nZsli
Other Buildings xyq w[l6Jx5 Steel shipping containers used currently for storage will be shipped away or dispose of Small wooden buildings around mine will be burned and disposed of underground n]=5 sy6Jtk5 ]SaJ5 ]mN xgZsJ5 g5d6ym=s2lt4 xsM6tbsix5 s?l]i5 x4bZslt4 urJ5 eJw5 w[l6Jx5 s/C4ys6=4u wfxNbslt4 x4bZsix5 kN2 wlxk5
Town Site kNosJ5 w[l6Jxc6=z
Buildings and infrastructure belong to CanZinco, as well as Federal government and GN Bunkhouse, Pama Building and CanZinco houses will be burnt and hauled underground Dome and ice rink will be dismantled, burnt and placed underground Church will be dismantled and removed Carpenter shop and emergency power plant will be dismantled and sold or disposed underground w[l6Jx5 x7ml nNymJ5 NuiE/sJ5 v8p1ffi5, x7ml v?mgcf5i5 x7ml kNK5 v?mfqi5 yi4bsm]=5 w[l6Jxz5, Xm w[l6Jxz x7ml v8p1ff5 w[l6Jxq wfxMbsix5 x7ml x[/6bslt4 kN2 wlxk5 iE=sJ6 x7ml dxn6=4 wA5tZsix5 wfxMbsix5 x7ml woscZslt4 kN2 wlxk5 g4yx6=4 wA5tZsli xy?6bsix6 eJ4k5 n8M=4 x7ml gx=6N6gk5 wfmdtc6=4 wA5tZsix6 x7ml is=Dbsli s?l]i5x4bZsli kN2 wlxk5
Fuel Storage s6hc6]=5 g5d6ym=q
Tank Farm and Dock Area s6hc6]=5 x7ml gM4b6=4 Transfer to a third party is likely If not, tanks will be cleaned and dismantled by contractor Waste product to be shipped south for disposal CanZinco will remediate soils contaminated by fuel in the area gi/siq xyk5 WzJxk5 WcbsJk5 xgC/6g6 Wixq5X5, c5bs/6Dx5 no4bslt4 x7ml wA5tZsix5 v8gC4tsJu5 x4bf5 ]b2fNz6g5 xsM6g4n5 c2l]N5 kNzk5 x4bZsJ4n5 v8p1ff5 k]ba6tEix5 kNu4 hD6Ni4ymJi4 s6hi5 b]mi kNzi
Day Tanks and Fueling Stations s6hcst5 x7ml s6n4nw=5 Three large tanks at industrial complex will be removed, decontaminated and ship out or disposed of underground Wzh5 n8N=xl4u s6hc6]=5 xy?6bsix5, hD6N6iq/6lQ5n x7ml xM6tbslt4 s?l]i5 x4bZslt4 kN2 wlxk5
End User Tanks s3hcst=i5 xgD8i3g5 There have been a number of end use tanks around the mine site including: –At West Open Pit –A WTDA –At ANFO facility –At Refuge stations –Town site All tanks will be emptied, removed, sold or decontaminated and disposed of underground Wbc6g6 c2yi4 Wxi4tDt5 xgZsiq s6hcst5 s/C4ys6=4u wMst5lQ5: _ sxozzi kN2 czi wlgi6u _ sxozzi g=8 x4b6=sJu _ ANFO WoE=zi _ woscw=sJ5 WoE=qi _ kNosJk5 w[l6Jxc6=zi bmwb s6hcst5 wmw/Zslt4, xy?6bsix5 is=Dbslt4 s?l]i5 hD6N6]I/Zslt4 x7ml x4bZslt4 kN2 wlxk5
Industrial Complex Yard Area n8N=4Jx]Cl4 w[l6Jxc6=4 kNbz x?tzi Includes “bone yard”, cold and warm storage buildings and outdoor warehouse yard Remaining equipment will be decontaminated and disposed of underground There is considerable soil contamination in this area which will be reclaimed Soil contaminated by fuel will be placed underground Metal contaminated soil from Industrial Complex will be buried under the proposed shale/sand & gravel cover wMc6g6 “kN]fDt=]i5”, ]sNdtcq5g5 x7ml ]sNdtc6g5 y6lx5 w[l6Jx5 x7ml yMu y6lxc6=s2 kNdtz xux]fJ5 nN5Jt5 hD6N6iq/Zslt4 x7ml x4bZsix5 kN2 wlxk5 Wbc6g6 xq6M4gu4 kN hD6N6ico6izi4 b]mi kNzi k]ba6tZsix3g6 kN hD6N6ico3g6 s6hi5 woscZsix6 kN2 wlxk5 N=4i4 D6N6ico6g5 kN5 b[?z5 n8N=xl4Dxu5 w[l6Jxu5 ns/six6 b[Kz ]s4gbsJj5 gxXoxj5Fyscj5 x7ml gxX4j5 co6g4nj5
Other Areas xyq WoE=sJ5
Stolport u5b6==i6 Originally used as landing strip for exploration activities Small quantity metal and fuel contaminated soil to be excavated and placed underground NorthwestTel responsible for removal of their equipment xgZsJ=i6 u5b6=sizk5 n=4n6ys6gi WoExaJk5 urJu4 n=4i4 x7ml s6hi4 hD6ic6gi4 kNc6g6 ]W6bsli x7ml woscZsli kN2 wlxk5 kx{?{tx9 WoE/Exc6g5 xy?6t6iq5 WoE5Jtu1k5
Dock Area gM4b6=4 Reclamation of dock infrastructure is duty of Federal Government Metal and fuel contaminated soil in dock area will be excavated and stored underground by CanZinco k]ba6tZsiz gM4b6=4u WoE5Jt5 WoExQ/six5 v?mgcf5i5 n]=5 x7ml s6h5 hD6Nc6iq kN5 gM4b6=4u ]W/6bslt4 x7ml g5dZsix5 kN2 wlxk5 v8p1ff5i5
Roadbeds x2dt5 r4oq5 Roads servicing dock, airport, East Twin Lake and the town site belong to the Government of Nunavut Metal contaminated soil is present between dock area and Industrial Complex. Contaminated soil will be excavated and placed either underground or buried in Industrial Complex area x2dt5 WoE5JbsJ5 gM4b6=4u, u5b6=4u, r?tzi g=8 by6u x7ml kNosJk5 w[l6Jxc6=4u WdtQ/sJ5 v?mfqi5 kNK5 n=4i4 hD6Nc6iq kN5 Wbc6g6 gM4b6=4u x7ml n8N=xl4Dxu w[l6Jxu. hD6N6ic6g5 kN5 ]W/6bslt4 x7ml Nox4k5 woscZsix5 k]N2 wkxk5 s?l]i5 ns/slt4 n8N=xl4Dxu w[l6Jxc6=4u
Underground Openings kNs5 wlxkx3=5 There are eight openings to the main underground workings in addition to portals at Oceanview, K- Baseline and Area 14 Portals will be buried with rock to prevent access and then contoured Raises to the surface will be backfilled and sealed Wbc6g6 *_i4 wyEx3=4i4 xgZsi6nj5 kN2 wlxi n8N=sJj5 wMc6Li bEsj5 bf4nsJu, K- WoE=zi x7ml n8N=sJ6 !$ kN2 wlxkx6b6]=5 ns/slt4 s/ci4 wyZsMw/6lQ5 x7ml mi4n6lQ5 x?tzk5 xpo/slt4 djx6b6]=5 kN2 czk5 wlo6gZslt4 x7mlmg/six5
East Adit Treatment Facility r?tzi wMQx6ymiz nlm6nw=4 WoE5Jt5 Metal contaminated soil at the facility will be removed into the underground After Water Board approval, dikes will be breached to permit natural drainage n=4i4 hD6N6ic6g5 kN5 b[?i WoE=zi xy?6bsix5 kN2 wlxk4bslt4 raxA5 wmoEp5 vtmp5 xq6bsizk5, nSbsJ5 Nvbsix5 WJ1N6to6lA wodyzk5 ]f4b6izk5
Chemicals wM4nw5
Mill Chemicals n=4nos6=4u wM4nw5 Amounts left at site are small Chemicals that represent an environmental risk will be shipped off site xuxfJ5 wM4nw5 ur5gJ5 wM4nw5 x5b3N3g5 x?t5t8k5 xsM3tbsix3g5
Other Chemicals xyq wM4nw5 Explosives chemicals will be sent back to supplier or to other operations Salts used in mining will be returned to supplier or used in other operations Paints, cleaning supplies will be returned to supplier to be disposed off site Laboratory chemicals will be neutralized, destroyed or removed from the site c6bst5 wM4nq5 st6tbsix5 W]b6=Q/siqk5 s?l]i5 xyqk5 xsMbsJk5 bEs5 xgZsJ5 s/C4ys6=4u st6tbsix5 W]b6=Q/siqk5 s?l]i5 xyqk5 xsMbsJk5 uax5, nlm6nst5 st6tbsix5 W]b6=Q/siqk5 s?l]i5 x4bZslt4 nN=sq5Dj5 cspnw=4j5 wM4nw5 dx6n6NMw/Zslt4, hcDw/Zslt4 s?l]i5 xy?6bslt4 n8N=sJu5
Contaminated Soil hD6N6ic6g5 gxXw5
Contaminated Soil hD6N6ic6g5 gxXw55 Large quantities of contaminated soil will be handled There is approximately m 3 of fuel, or metal and fuel contaminated soil There is approximately m 3 of metal contaminated soil gxX4 hD3n3gc3g5 xqN3lA vmQ/six3g5 Wbc6g6 u]ni %^,(%) ]ubu4 r2XE4ylA s6hi4, s?l]i5 n=4ni4 x7ml s6hi4 hD6N6ico6gi4 gxX4i44 Wbc6g6 u4]ni ]ub r2XE4ylA n=4i4 hD6Nico6gi4 gxX4i4
Monitoring cspnw8N3i6
Objective gCZsJ5 Identify immediate needs for site management and environmental protection Assess performance of reclamation measures NlNw6lQ5 ]mN xgExc6iq n8N=4j5 xsMbsiqk5 x7ml x?toEi6j5 nStym/Ex]o5 cspn6lQ5 WoEiq ]b2fx5 k]ba6tEi6j5 xgZsiq
Monitoring Periods cspnw8N3bsiz xfistQiz Reclamation Period (2 years, ) Closure Period (5 years, ) Monitoring period is “open-ended” nl7m3nwiz Gm3D4 xCA4, mgymiz Gb9om5 xCA4, cspnw8N3bsiz “bwymq5g6_czgwN6j5”
Types of Monitoring cspn3i5 ckw5giq5 Water Quality Monitoring to address: –Twin Lakes Creek Watershed –Chris Creek Watershed –East Adit Treatment Facility (before and after reclamation) –Oceanview Watershed –Landfill Watershed wus5 Wsizi4 cspnst5 xg3bsix3g5 sfNi: _ fz wuc3=sJ5 _ fz xtc3g6 fo{ fo4 _ r?tzi wMQx6ymizk5 _nlm6nw=4 WoE5Jt5 GyKxi x7ml Wxic6t5lA k]ba6t6izH _ bEsj5 bf4nsJ2 wmc6iz _ kNu x4b6=s2 wmc6iz
Types of Monitoring ckw5giq5 cspn3i5 Geothermal Monitoring –To assess the behavior of engineered covers Confirmatory Soil Sampling –To define areas of contamination kN2 ]sN6izk5 cspn3i6 _ cspn3bsli cz gxX4 ckw2X9ox4mz5 NlNw5tx6ymiz kN cspnZsiz _ NlNw3ymlt4 hD3N3gc3iq5
Types of Monitoring ckw5giq5 cspn3bsJ5 Stability of Earth Structures –Annual inspection by professional engineer in August/September West Twin and Test Cell Dikes West Twin Spillway West Twin Reservoir Outlet Pit Covers Landfill Cover nNymJ5 gxXw5 ckwo?9oxq4vlx3mzb _ xCAbm5 cspnZsiz cspmpsJu5 ]xZyuFytWEu sxozzi g=8 x7ml ]s4gZsJ5 ns/siq nSt5 sxozzi g=8 ]f4=z sxozzi g=8 wmc6=zb ]fQx6=z wl5g6ymJ5 co6iq kNu x4b6s2 co6iz
Review and Reporting NlNw6g6iz x7ml gn6ys5Jbsiz Quarterly reports and annual reports to be filed In 2010 a Comprehensive Assessment report will be required. If site is proved to be “environmentally stable” then CanZinco will not be required to conduct further monitoring ybmw6b6lA xCAu gn6ybstQiz x7ml xCAo]m6 gn6ybstQiz bm5rsm5tx6gu4 cspn6izk5 gn6y5ti6 W/Exc6S6 ]b7N n8N=sJ6 Wym4X5 “x?toEi6j5 hixMq5X5” ]b2fx5 v8p1ff5 WoE/Excq5g5 uxi6yvi6i3j5
Review of Final Plan NlNw6gZsiz rao6xX6ys5 X6NA5 Full Review will commence with submission of plans Technical reviews expected from: –Government of Nunavut –Indian and Northern Affairs Canada –Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated –Environment Canada –Fisheries and Oceans Canada –Internal review bm5rsmJu4 NlNw6gZsiz WQxDtcDm6 gi/siqk5 X6NAt5 W9x6N6goEi6j5 NlNw6gZsiq iEsQ/sJ5 ]b2fNz5: _ v?mfqi5 kNK5 _ wkoEpgcf5 vNbu _ kNK5 g8z=f5i5 _ x?toEp5 vNbu _ wcloEp5 bEs6usboEp5 vNbu _ N7ui6 NlNw6gZsiqk5
Water Board Hearing Process wmoEp5 vtmpq xW6hwi6j5 WoE5Jyq Technical Meeting to be likely held in April Future community visits by staff Proposed Hearing to be held in early May W9lx6NgoEi6j5 vtmt5ti6 xgC/6g6 xwWEu yKi4nu kNosJk5 SM6iq WoEp5 ]s4gDbsJ6 xW6hwi4nj5 xg6iz xgon6t5lA mwu