Cognitive Radio Kit Tutorial Khanh Le, Prasanthi Maddala and Ivan Seskar WINLAB, Rutgers University Date : June 20, 2012
Motivation Challenges in Cognitive Radio (CR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) techniques No currently available wideband and real-time radio system for CR and DSA experimentation purpose Complete Radio system design is a complicated and elaborated process Solution to resolve this problem ? Yes, CRKIT Framework With CRKIT Framework, we can abstract the lower level HW design complexities from users Concentrate more on Creative side of the Wireless problems, less on Engineering Complexity
What is CRKIT Framework ? Baseband Processor : FPGA-based off-the-shelf board Multitude of high-speed IOs : GigE, USB, PCIe Control up to 4 full-duplex wideband radios FPGA-based System-on-Chip (FSoC) implementation Wideband Radio (WDR) Module : Wideband : tunable range 300MHz to 7.5GHz 25MHz bandwidth 50Msps 12-bit ADC, 200Msps 12-bit DAC 50us switch between frequencies Actual CogRadio with enclosure, 2 WDRs CRKIT baseband with 4 stacked radios CRKIT HW Platform SW Platform ORBIT Integration Wideband Radio Flexible Baseband PHY Layer Exp. Exp. Scalability EmbeddedHOST FPGA- SoC Comm. APPs Radio APIs OMF Baseband with 1 mounted radio
Why CRKIT Framework ? Focus on APP Development NOT complete Radio Abstract lower level design complexities from Users INNOVATION CYCLE Live system runs Focus on Creativity, not Engineering Complexity : Split Baseband into Static and Dynamic domains : Static - Open-sourced System-on-Chip (complex engineering problem) Dynamic – Swappable Communication APPs (creative problem) CRKIT = make real-time and wideband radio a viable solution for large scale experiments. Build Radio : Non trivial effort Substantial barrier to entry Many engineering man-hours needed Requires cross-disciplinary expertise CogRadio from RTS FSoC Features Access to lower level resources thru APIs VITA radio transport protocol for radio control Networking capable node Support up to four different dynamic APPs Library of Open-sourced Communication APPs Static Framework utilization level < 15% for V5SX95, even less for newer technologies, for ex. Virtex7. Transparent to underlying FPGA technology. Can be ported to future HW platforms and newer FPGA technologies.
FSoC Overview FSoC currently consists of following major components : 1. Ethernet Port (static) Gigabit Ethernet rate frame synchronization frame generation/formatting Support Jumbo frames 2. Packet Processor (static) Simple packet classification/forwarding scheme based on IP/UDP Control packets -> Processor Core Data packets -> APP Support a subset of VITA Radio Transport protocol Memory management for APP data IP/VITA packet generation/formatting 3. Application (dynamic) User specific designs e.g. simple QPSK/QAM, OFDM, FHSS, DSSS… Support up to 4 APPs simultaneously (number of APPs is restricted by FPGA size) APPs can be swapped as needed by users. APPs can either reside in RAM or downloadable through Ethernet port. Will require partial reconfiguration 4. RF Port (static) interfacing to DA/AD 5. RMAP Processor (static) Sub-system interfacing and control Address decoding RF SPI Control 6. Processor Core (static) 32-bit Softcore processor interfacing to 32MB DRAM interfacing to 16MB FLASH Three distinct data flows through system: 1) APP/Processor Core to outbound ethernet port 2) Inbound ethernet port to APP 3) Inbound ethernet port to Processor Core
CRKIT Transport Layers Framework domain (static) Application domain (dynamic) ETH Layer – Ethernet Physical layer only, no MAC. Only Ethernet frames with Broadcast MAC or matching destination MAC addresses are forwarded to IP layer. IP Layer (Fast Path) – Hardware based implementation Only a subset of IP and UDP functions. Fast track is reserved for APP data related traffic Data IP packets are routed to the fast track based on specific UDP port number. IP Layer (Slow Path) – Software based implementation Support TCP as this is done in SW e.g. processor core. Slow track is reserved mostly for control related traffic : CRKit hardware configuration (register map access) and RF control. Any IP packets with UDP port number not matching the fast track UDP port number will be routed to the slow track. Note : for Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) the IP layer is bypassed, we parse the packets based on Ethernet frame Ethertype field. VRT Layer – VITA Radio Transport layer, only a subset of VITA standard is supported. VRT layer is optional, bypass this layer if not used. VRT useful to mux multiple radio streams to a single pipe, and demux at the other end. Standardized radio packet types: 1) Data for signal data transmission, could be digitized I/Q samples. 2) Context for control information such as set frequency, power level, bandwidth and so forth. Framework Domain : User Specific Layer - since we are in the APP domain, users have their freedom to add any new layers they may wish. Wireless PHY – again user specific implementation. Application Domain :
Inbound Packet Processing Flow PCORE CMD FORMAT If (V==1) then VITA context packet Else non-VITA packet use ethertype field for further parsing Endif; Forward ethernet payload if : incoming MAC = dMAC incoming MAC = Broadcast Append Ethertype field (16-bit) to ethernet payload if (ethertype == IPv4 & Incoming IP == dIP & UDP = ) then forward UDP payload to VITA Receiver else forward packet to PCORE Ethertype = 0x IPv4 0x ARP Use CMD_CNT as ACK to MEM_CTL to indicate completion of PCORE data removal from MEM. PortID Lookup Table
Inbound Packet Processor RMAP Registers visible to PCORE For UDP Port 1000 Traffic (VITA) StreamID lookup (direct-mapped) APP Identifier For non-VITA traffic UDP 1001 => P0 UDP 1002 => P1 UDP 1003 => P2 UDP 1004 => P3
Outbound Packet Processing Flow VRT Receiver Lookup using PortID dMAC/Ethertype from IP Processor if (IP == 1) then Enable IP processing (append dIP, sIP & UDP) Forward dMAC/Ethertype (Note, sMAC provided in RMAP) else Disable IP Processing Forward dMAC/Ethertype (Note, sMAC provided in RMAP) endif Lookup using PortID if (V == 1) then Enable VITA formatting else Disable VITA formatting endif dMAC/Ethertype appended to IP/VITA data
Outbound Packet Processor RMAP Lookup using PID Data/Context VITA header VITA enable flag StreamID Lookup TableMAC/IP Lookup Table IP header Lookup using PID IP enable flag
CRKIT Register Address Map Upper 4 MSBs : 0x0-0x1 : PCORE 0x2 : CRKIT Others : Unused 0x0 : CMN 0x1 : ETH 0x2 : PKT 0x4-0xB : APP 0xC : DAC IF 0xD : ADC IF INT SPI, LED DCM/CLOCK CE
CRKIT Programming Model Network HOSTCRKIT Application development CRKIT development Comm. APP Embedded SW GUIAlgorithm System Debugging System Test HW Configuration IP Networking Mathworks Simulink CRDSA Host CMD Parsing VHDL/ Verilog DHCP/ARPETH/VITA Lookup Tables/ RF Java, C#CC
APP Development Flow MATLAB Simulink Flow Xilinx ISE Flow CRKIT Flow Lookup Table Configuration RF Control dynamic Config. (ETH/VITA) 1.Get IP address using DHCP 2.Discover HOST 3.Configure CRKIT hardware 4.Parse HOST commands initial config.
APP Development Flow MATLAB Simulink Flow CRKIT Flow APP Specification Design dynamic APP APP Validation Compile APP Link APP to Framework Compile Framework Generate FPGA bit file Download to Hardware PCORE boots Execute CRKIT Embedded SW Xilinx ISE Flow
Innovation Cycle Algorithms/ Models Live Experiments Build Radio idea Feedback Creative Processes Engineering Processes
APP Simulink Development Environment APP PCORE DRIVER BMU DRV BMU MON RF LPBK CMD.txt file ETH.txt files data Register Read/Write IO Validation Data Verification Channel Model Send X data packets I/Q
APP Simulink Testbench
CRKIT Example – Rendezvous APPs
CRKIT Example – QPSK Transmitter
CRKIT Example – QPSK Receiver
CRKIT Example – FPGA Utilization
Conclusion CRKIT = Advanced Radio System enabling experimental research in CR and DSA techniques Powerful combination of Wideband Radio and Flexible Baseband Processing FSoC Static and Dynamic domain spaces APP development for Creativity and Productivity => MATLAB/Simulink Framework development for Engineering Complexity => Traditional Hardware design flow ORBIT Integration => User Friendliness Experience + Experimentation Scalability
Future Work Extend APP library : OFDM-based waveform APP Upgrade Static framework to support live loadable APPs from Network : 1.Clock Management 2.Run-time Reconfiguration Port Linux to PCORE Integrate CRKIT fully into ORBIT Management Framework Upgrade current baseband board to newer and higher performance FPGA technologies