Nicholas Carletta Mentors: William Gallus, Michael Fowle, and Daniel Miller
Hypothesis What is Wind-Driven Hail? Methodology Morphologies in Wind-Driven Hail Cases Comparisons of Environmental Parameters Conclusions
Wind-driven hail events occurred most frequently with certain storm morphology and these storms had high values of CAPE and SRH, as expected of a high end severe event like wind-driven hail.
An event where severe hail greater than 1 inch in diameter occurs simultaneously with severe wind in excess of 50 knots/ 58 mph Credit for picture: Karl Jungbluth
Severe wind damageSevere wind-driven hail damage Credit for pictures: Michael Fowle
103 mph wind and 3 inch hail reported Crop Damage $175 million+ Picture and information from Karl Jungbluth NWS-Des Moines
Credit for pictures: Michael Fowle From Otho, Iowa near Fort Dodge during 8/9/09 event
Damage from Eldora, IA Credit for picture: Karl Jungbluth
Severe wind reports and hail reports >1 inch that occur within 5 miles of each other no more than 30 minutes apart obtained from the National Climatic Data Center’s Storm Data 69 cases in 2002 and 69 cases in 2007 Morphologies assigned from Duda and Gallus (2010) and Gallus et al (2008) data
Picture from William Gallus
Supercell data from Gallus and Duda (2010) Categories from strength of event 30 Wind-only, 30 hail-only, and 14 known base cases to compare Archived 00 hour RUC data analyzed with GEMPAK for CAPE and SRH
Wind-driven Hail from 2002 Wind-driven Hail from 2007
CategoryCAPE Average (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Average (m 2 /s 2 ) CAPE Standard Deviation (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Standard Deviation (m 2 /s 2 ) Wind-only Hail-only Known
MorphologyCAPE Average (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Average (m 2 /s 2 ) CAPE Standard Deviation (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Standard Deviation (m 2 /s 2 ) BE BL CC IC LS NL NS PS TS
CategoryCAPE Average (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Average (m 2 /s 2 ) CAPE Standard Deviation (J/kg) 0-3 km Standard Deviation (m 2 /s 2 )
Supercell?CAPE Average (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Average (m 2 /s 2 ) CAPE Standard Deviation (J/kg) 0-3 km SRH Standard Deviation (m 2 /s 2 ) Yes No
The NS, TS, IC, and CC morphologies over the two years were the most frequent The CC, IC, and NL morphologies were the most frequent morphologies higher categories
0-3 km SRH was significantly smaller for the wind-driven hail events than in the wind-only and known events Higher CAPE is present in supercells during wind-driven hail events Events with larger hail and higher winds had higher CAPE values than events with smaller hail and lower wind speeds
Expand to additional seasons More environmental parameters
William Gallus Michael Fowle Daniel Miller Karl Jungbluth
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