1. Definition- small storm with precipitation, thunder, & lightning. a. Form from cumulonimbus clouds (thunderheads), warm air rises quickly.
b. Lightning- electric discharge, spark 1.) Temp from inside a lightning bolt is degrees C. 2.) Temp makes air expands explosively= thunder.
fulgurite —hollow, glass-lined tubes with a sandy outside. Petrified lightning.
1. Definition- Whirling, funnel- cloud that touches the ground. a. Cumulonimbus cloud, warm air (low pres.) in bottom b. Warm air rotates with incoming winds c. Occur on a warm day, when ground is warm
video/101-videos/hurricanes- 101?source=relatedvideo
1. Hurricanes form over a large mass of warm ocean water during the warmer months. 2. Air from surrounding areas with higher air pressure pushes in to the low pressure area. 3. Then that “new” air becomes warm and moist and rises, too. As the warm air continues to rise, the surrounding air swirls in to take its place. 4. The whole system of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the ocean’s heat and water evaporating from the surface.
Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean runs from June 1 to November 30. The word hurricane comes from the Taino Native American word, hurucane, meaning evil spirit of the wind. The most violent winds and heaviest rains take place in the eye wall, the ring of clouds and thunderstorms closely surrounding the eye. Every second, a large hurricane releases the energy of 10 atomic bombs.
Hurricane Patricia 2015
zZAzw Joplin Mis. Tornado