Essential Question How does the Constitution protect citizen rights?
Citizen Rights (1)
Human Rights The idea that all Americans have basic rights lies at the heart of our political system
The Constitution Guarantees these rights The Bill of Rights guarantees that government cannot abuse the rights of individuals
Citizen Rights Majority Rule with Minority Rights
Freedom of Religion More than 90 percent of Americans identify with a religion
Freedom of Religion Jefferson stated the 1 st amendment created a “wall of separation” between Church and State
Establishment Clause The legislature will make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Religion and Government
Engel v. Vitale (1962) School district in New York could not compose a religious prayer for school children to recite each day
Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) No school sponsored Bible reading or recitation of the Lord’s Prayer in public schools
Santa Fe v. Doe (2000) Public school districts cannot let students lead stadium crowds in prayer before football games
Equal Access Act (1984) Allows public high schools to permit religious groups to hold student-led meetings in schools
Marsh v. Chambers (1983) Ban on school prayer does not extend to government meetings Prayers have occurred since colonial times
Free Exercise Clause First Amendment forbids laws that prohibit the free exercise of religion
Court Rulings Distinction between belief and practice One may hold any religious belief, but there are limits on practice
Reynolds v. U.S. (1879) A Mormon with two wives in Utah appealed his conviction for polygamy His conviction remained
Oregon v. Smith (1990) Court denied unemployment benefits to a worker fired for using drugs as part of a religious ceremony
Wisconsin v. Yoder State could not require Amish parents to send children to public school beyond eighth grade