Printing and Speaker Notes Presentation Authoring
Starter Printing and Speaker Notes 1.How does a presenter remember what to say? 2.Why are Animations and transition important? Creating Speaker Notes, File Compression, Printing Options, Evidencing Animation and Transitions.
Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson you will: 1.Demonstrate the use of speaker notes. 2.Be able to evidence the use of Animations and Transitions. 3.Learn how to reduce file size. 4.Printout a presentation in the correct format.
Speaker Notes These are notes that act as a reminder to the speaker. The notes outline the main points of the presentation.
Documenting the Presentation Your task is to complete and document your presentation. Using the task sheet complete the following: – Add Speaker Notes to each of your slides – Evidence your use of Animations and Transitions – Print out your presentation in PDF form – Complete your Skills Checklist
Homework Complete the presentation. Write this down in your planners.
Plenary 1.Why would I want to compress my presentation? 1.Why are Animations and Transitions used? 2.What’s the purpose of Speaker Notes?