DAT QUESTION OF THE DAY Correct Answer: 1 Simple hydrocarbons (containing only C and H) are weakly acidic in comparison to other organic compounds. However, carbanions can be formed, with their stability depending quite heavily on the hybridization state of the orbital containing the lone pair of electrons. Alkyne 1 is most acidic as the lone pair of the conjugate base is held in a sp-orbital, rather than sp3 (for 2 and 5) or sp2 orbital (for 3 and 4). Having a greater proportion of “s character” allows for the electron density in an sp-orbital to be held closer to the positively charged nucleus, making it electrostatically more stable.
CURRENT EVENTS IN DENTISTRY Secondhand Smoke May Contribute to Dental Caries Risk in Infants Date: October 23, 2015 Source: American Dental Association We all know that second-hand smoke is not good for your health, but it may even have detrimental effects on oral health. Infants exposed to second-hand smoke at 4-months-old seem more likely to develop caries by 3 years of age. However, the study failed to find an impact of maternal smoking during pregnancy on development of teeth, although smoking while pregnant is still bad for a baby’s health. Nonetheless, the presence of a new child in the family and insight from this study may provide an opportunity for dentists to have a discussion about the potential adverse effects linked to secondhand smoke.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT T-SHIRTS ARE HERE!!! Shirts will be available for pick up before and after the meeting
TMOM Over $559,000 worth of dental care was provided to the community! Dentists saw 686 patients! Anyone want to share stories about their experience at TMOM? Next TMOM: March 5, Marlin, TX May 20-21, Ft Worth, TX
PROJECT SMILE We need more volunteers for the next Project Smile Next Project Smile: Nov. 30 th at the Boys and Girls Club (Don Kromer Branch) 200 Cravens Park Dr, Arlington, TX PM
PRE-DENTAL CLINIC When: November 11 th Time: 5:30-9:00 Room/Building: Schedule: Pickard Hall 104 and SH 100 5:30-6:00: Dr. Clemeston 6:00-6:30: Dental Students 6:30-7:00: Food 7:00-8:00: Army Representative 8:00-9:00: Kaplan DAT Strategy Session ($10) If you are interested into attending the Pre-Dental clinic, you must navigate to the link below to add your name to the sign-up list.
UTHSCSA TOUR January 15th (Friday before school starts) Last year: We saw a presentation by Adriana Segura, DDS, MS Associate Dean of Student Affairs. She gave us information on what San Antonio typically expects for admission. Had lunch with students who were currently in the dental school and asked them questions Tour the campus and see people working in the labs – ask questions and meet people!
GUEST SPEAKER: Kent Long Health Professions Advisor Life Science Building, Room 206 HPAC-Those of you who are getting ready to apply for the next cycle should go speak to Kent on an individual basis.
HPAC PROCESS – WHAT YOU SHOULD DO OCT/NOV -Write your personal statement -Be shadowing dentists NOV -Ask professors for rec letters (give them a heads up, they’ll ask for a deadline, try to have done by end of semester) Need to give them a resume, personal statement, and evaluation form ( -Ask dentists for rec letter Need the same things as professors *Have them either mail a letter to Kent Long, or you can turn it but must be sealed in an envelope with a signature from the person who wrote it over the seal DEC -Finalize everything and have final draft of personal statement complete -Fill out HPAC application -Check everything is submitted (letters/ evaluation forms) DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 6 AT 5PM
VP POSITION 4 candidates: 1) Jose Torres 2) Ibrahim Ibrahim 3) Abyan Tilahun 4) Lauren Samas Voting will occur at the next meeting – Nov. 20th