How was Athenian art/architecture revolutionary for the time period? Greek art was more realistic (this shows the Greeks knew their stuff about human muscles and anatomy) Focus on nudity/human body Architecture- reflected equal proportions and balance Focus on movement/everyday actions Focus on everyday people
DISCUSS! Why do you think the Greeks portrayed humans like this?
Why did Greeks portray humans like this? To the Greeks, the point was to show subjects in their most IDEAL FORM …a human’s ideal/ truest form was its most beautiful… ….and the truest form was nudity Showing something in equal proportions was also showing beauty Also, showing everyday people and movement helped illustrate everyday struggles of the people, or show what was important to them (sports!) They also used art to illustrate religious beliefs…but this new focus on human’s truest forms was revolutionary!
How did Greek theater reinforce the values shown in their art? Theaters= place where people could have an emotional experience Antigone illustrates the struggle of a regular person who is caught between religious authority and government authority--- we see that she chooses religion in the end Pathos: – Plays showed the inner struggle of real people and the exploration of our humanity Tragedies and comedies: extreme emotional experiences (really sad or really happy) – The Oresteia: A powerful family is torn apart by revenge, fighting and murder – Lysistrata: Women band together to force their husbands to stop fighting in wars
Athenian amphitheater theatre-design-video.htm Why was Greek engineering revolutionary? What values does it illustrate?
THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL- modeled after the Parthenon What does the choice of the Parthenon as a model for the Lincoln Memorial, suggest about the way the memorial’s planners regarded their former president? "In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.“ Located in the National Mall, Washington D.C. (why is that location important?) 36 Doric style columns surround Lincoln—one for each state in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death